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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 15:06. Post subject: Пресса знает всё! :)

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 13:22. Post subject: AstraM Спасибо за з..

Спасибо за замечательный перевод! Очень надеюсь, что это только начало

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 13:32. Post subject: AstraM Отличный пер..

Отличный перевод. Спасибо

С любовью, хруня Спасибо: 0 

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 13:32. Post subject: ольга Спасибо! ht..


Спасибо! Просто у меня это как-то с налёту само пошло. Хотя я не выверяля (уже щас там нашла одну "блоху", как выражаются редакторы). Буду рада помогать в свободное время.

Мы делаем невозможное, и у нас получается – если смысл жизни не в этом, я так не играю. © Макс Фрай Спасибо: 0 

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 14:32. Post subject: Отрывок из статьи Fa..

Огромное спасибо за перевод

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 14:34. Post subject: Отрывок из статьи Fa..

Отрывок из статьи Famous fans: Sony Ericsson Open draws plenty of celebrities


Even the world's best players are impressed. World No. 1 Rafael Nadal of Spain had Shakira pay him a private visit - a meet-and-greet - after his match Monday night.

''I am sure it is more thrilling for me to meet her,'' Nadal said Tuesday, when asked if he thought it was more exciting for him to meet her or her to meet him. ``She is great.

"This tournament is full of celebrities, and for the crowds and for the sport it is great to see them around. I had the chance to meet the other day with one of my favorite singers, Alejandro Sanz. I have always listened to his songs and really love them.''

What does he talk about when they visit with him after the matches?

''About how things are going with them, with their world,'' he said. ``We talk a bit about tennis, about our calendar and the toughness of the circuit.''


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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 15:55. Post subject: Вы это читали???? А..

Вы это читали????

А началось все с гольфа...

В жизни 1-й ракетки мира Рафаэля Надаля наступают большие перемены.

Все началось с того, что накануне старта турнира Sony Ericcson Open в Майами испанец и сербская теннисистка Ана Иванович сыграли в гольф в рамках рекламной кампании соревнований, что, разумеется, было широко освещено в мировых СМИ. Мало кто знает, что произошло потом, но Eurosport.ru все же стали известны сенсационные подробности дальнейшего развития событий...

Когда назойливые журналисты наконец убрались с горизонта, Рафа и Ана решили сыграть не для камер, а по-настоящему, да к тому же и не просто на интерес. Тут-то и выяснилось, что сербская дива даст горячему испанскому парню сто очков форы: стартовые восемнадцать лунок были пройдены 7-й ракеткой мира за шестьдесят ударов, что на десять ниже пара! Примерно то же самое ожидало Надаля и в следующей партии…

Будучи человеком азартным и самолюбивым, Рафа решил во что бы то ни стало отыграться. Турнир в Майами уже стартовал, однако он уговорил Ану продолжать поединки после матчей. Лучше бы он этого не делал: за шесть дней, прошедших со старта соревнований, 1-й номер рейтинга АТР проиграл удачливой сербке все свои сбережения, а в довершение всего – и любимую виллу на Мальорке. Судя по всему, именно этим и объясняется столь тяжелый матч испанца против швейцарца Вавринки в 4-м круге: Рафа никак не мог выбросить из головы потерю своего гнездышка, понимая, что и купить что-либо новое оставшихся в наличии средств уже не хватит…

Однако помощь, как водится, пришла с неожиданной стороны. Роджер Федерер , прознав про неприятность, случившуюся с его злым гением, протянул незадачливому гольфисту руку помощи. «Да, я слышал про то, что произошло, - заявил швейцарец. – Могу сказать, что проблема уже решена: остаток сезона Рафа будет жить в моих апартаментах в Дубае. У меня там есть очень симпатичная комната для гостей с потрясающим видом из окна. Надеюсь, ему понравится».

Узнав про такое великодушие, Надаль не скрывал своих чувств.

«Это очень широкий жест со стороны Роджера, и я с радостью остановлюсь у него, пока не накоплю на новый дом. Полагаю, данная ситуация еще раз докажет всем, что на корте мы можем быть яростными соперниками, но в жизни – добрыми приятелями, готовыми всегда помочь друг другу», - отметил 22-летний испанец.

Тем не менее, в данной истории все может оказаться не так просто. Как сообщают наши близкие к Федереру источники, тот поставил перед Рафой одно условие: он пускает испанца к себе, если тот наконец проигрывает ему в финале Roland Garros. Учитывая то, что в течение ближайших лет никаких конкурентов на кортах в предместье Парижа у Рафы не предвидится, он склонен согласиться с выдвинутым условием. В конце концов, теннис теннисом, но и жить-то где-то надо! А Roland Garros никуда не убежит – чай, не в последний раз проводится…

P.S. Утром 1 апреля Ана Иванович была замечена играющей в покер в компании Энди Маррея, Жо-Уилфрида Тсонга и Игоря Куницына . Надо бы позвонить ребятам, предупредить, а то мало ли что…


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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 16:30. Post subject: CrazyCat С первым а..

С первым апреля!!!

Дата статьи: 01/04/2009 - 15:16

Дописали бы что теперь Рафа сидит с протянутой рукой во флоридском метро, а уж поэтому у него были проблемы в матче с Вавринкой...
Из Аны сделали шулера мирового масштаба... Разорила нашего ребенка, а щас решила весь АТР по миру пустить...
Шутка с разорением до нитки избитый номер - могли б че-то пооригинальнее придумать...

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 17:09. Post subject: Натали ээээээээ..ну..

ээээээээ..ну так статья и не претендует на правдивость=) и главное, по-моему, не в сути шутки, а в том, как написано. а написано очень забавно

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 17:24. Post subject: Шутка с разорением д..

Шутка с разорением до нитки избитый номер - могли б че-то пооригинальнее придумать...

Например, какой-нить бурный роман с африканскими страстями Вавринку тоже на этот счет списать можно было бы

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 18:16. Post subject: Ольга Например, как..


Например, какой-нить бурный роман с африканскими страстями

неее.. этого тоже не надо! Хватило прикола про свадьбу на День испанского дурака!

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 18:28. Post subject: насчет первого апрел..

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Ольга Коп

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 19:14. Post subject: Нарцисса "Посид..

"Посиделки с Шаховцом" - это да!!!!!!!!!!!
Хорошо, что я на работе читать это не стала!!!!!!!! Живот болит!!!!!!!!!! Дышать не могу!!!!!!!!!!!

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 19:19. Post subject: Нарцисса отпаааад!!..

отпаааад!!!! я валяюсь

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 19:20. Post subject: Ольга Коп Мне особе..

Ольга Коп

Мне особенно про пульты и Вердаско со Штепанеком понравилось

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 19:24. Post subject: Нарцисса а мне еще ..

а мне еще безумно про Новака понравилось!!!

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 19:27. Post subject: Короче, мне все понр..

Короче, мне все понравилось Может, еще что напишут?

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Ольга Коп

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 19:45. Post subject: Димка - гений!!!!!!!..

Димка - гений!!!!!!!!!!
Я остановиться не могу - в который раз перечитываю - СМЕШНО ВСЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁ!!!!

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 23:36. Post subject: April 1, 2009 - Wow,..

April 1, 2009 - Wow, that Rafa
Bricker's Blog by Charlie Bricker

Two hours and 43 minutes had evaporated since the first ball was struck on this minor epic, which turned out, on the seventh day of the Sony Ericsson Open, to be the most riveting match of the tournament thus far.

It was now 12:20 a.m., no longer March. Somewhere, a worldwide virus was worming its way into millions of computers and for long stretches of this 7-6 (2), 7-6 (4) Rafael Nadal triumph, I was beginning to wonder if the virus hadn't somehow infected Rafa's game as well.

I have never seen so many grimaces from him as he missed far too many (for him) gimme balls. But there was the sensational as well, with Nadal once again displaying the agility that is the foundation of his fabulous shot-making. And that doesn't even take into account the wonderful performance by Stan Wawrinka - the other Swiss.

Nadal was so filled with relief and appreciation when this was over that after his usual fist pumps into the air, he pumped one into his racket strings at his changeover chair. Not hard enough, of course, to bruise his knuckles. And then, as Wawrinka exited the court Rafa joined the audience on the stadium court in applauding his vastly under-appreciated opponent.

Wow. There was some surprisingly bad Nadal shots out there and the line-calling was horrific, and controversial, at times. I'll get back to that and the job Argentina's Damian Steiner did in the chair. But first, a word or two on the match.

Nadal won it on his sixth match point on one of those shots where you out-think yourself. Wawrinka closed on the net after an approach and Nadal put the ball into his strike zone for a high but easy volley. Instead of going to the opposite corner, Wawrinka decided Nadal would be on his way there and figured he'd volley back behind Nadal. Oops. Rafa didn't go. It must have shocked Rafa to see the volley come right back to him and he slid a low backhand cross-court pass to finally put this one into the books.

This was not the best performance for Steiner, who had an overrule in the second set challenged, and overturned, by Nadal. Neither did he look particularly brilliant when Nadal returned a serve from the ad court in the second set and, after his shot landed beyond the baseline, challenged the serve. That's a bit late, Rafa. But not for Steiner, who allowed the challenge. Certainly Nadal would not have challenged had his return landed inside the court. The rules aren't clear enough on this issue, except to say the challenge must be immediate. In this case, not immediate enough.

Nor did Steiner seem to be interested in hurrying Nadal after Wawrinka, as inconspicuously as possible, dashed to the chair between points to complain about the time Rafa was taking between serves.

But . . . so much for the side shows. The tennis was indeed riveting. At a crucial point in the second set, with Nadal down a break, he tapped a backhand drop shot a bit too high, allowing Wawrinka to reach the ball and hit a sharply-angled shot to the other sideline. There was Nadal, tracking it down and hitting a forehand down the line that Wawrinka dug out. And when you looked up, there was Rafa, who had already run from the right sideline to the left, camped now in the center of the court, a foot in front of the net, to parry away the final shot of this spectacular point. No matter how many times you've gushed over Rafa's quickness, it's so easy to gush again when he exhibits this kind of court coverage.

Derrieres rose from their seats to celebrate that one.

It's easy to see why Wawrinka has risen into the top 20, even flirted with top 10. He is a very aggressive hitter with tremendous power, though not always accurate power, off the forehand side and surely one of the best backhands in tennis. He survived in this match with his aggressive ground stroking, but he had a great deal of difficulty with his first serve into the ad court, and his second serve doesn't remotely resemble a killer stroke.

Still, his competitiveness is unmistakable and he never looked cowed in this match against the world's No. 1 player.

All those disconsolate faces Rafa made in this match. . .is he feeling the pressure of being No. 1? He looked especially displeased after failing to close out this match with a love-40 lead and Wawrinka serving at 5-6 in the second. But, well, you know what they say. Champions find a way to win. And he did.

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link post  Posted: 03.04.09 04:13. Post subject: Sony Ericsson Open A..

Sony Ericsson Open
April 2, 2009
J. DEL POTRO/R. Nadal 6-4, 3-6, 7-6

An interview with: RAFAEL NADAL

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You're usually a favorite here. Have you ever heard a crowd pull for the other guy? Was a lot of Argentine fans out there.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, the crowd was good, no? That's good for tennis have a crowd like this. Sometimes a little bit too much when I was close to some guys.
No, it was really nice atmosphere.

Q. Did it affect you at all? It was just a wonderful match. How did you feel out there?
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe wonderful for the crowd. Terrible for me. Yeah.

Q. You came back very strong and won the second set. Up two breaks in the third. What happened in that moment?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I didn't came back very strong, no? He start to had a lot of mistakes, no? I think I played really bad all the time. That's the true of the match.
Later when I have 3-0 in the third I played worse. So, yeah, I have the match -- it's 6-4, 2-1 I playing terrible. Later he have mistakes and I was there. And later with 3-0, it was amazing disaster. Yeah.

Q. What was the problem for you? The feel of the ball or...
RAFAEL NADAL: No, you know, this maybe was the -- I didn't was all focus like usually. Yeah, it's not usually I lose a match with two breaks in the third in hardcourt.
So, yeah, I didn't play well during this tournament. A little the first day against Gabashvili, but, no, I played bad all the time. Anyway, champion in quarterfinals is a good result. That's the positive thing of the American hardcourt season.
Bad thing is I didn't adapt well to this tournament this time. Yeah, I played really bad.

Q. Mentally hard, or...
RAFAEL NADAL: You never know. Maybe. But, yeah. I started the season very well. I had a lot of the matches, very concentrate. Yeah, the last two matches wasn't really good.
But anyway, I want to congratulate for my team and Del Potro. Yeah, he started the season playing well. It's a good win for him. Yeah, congratulate him.

Q. Did it kind of feel like a Davis Cup match to you?

Q. 40 some unforced errors and the whole tournament was kind of iffy. Are you going to take a break?
RAFAEL NADAL: Two days, three days, yeah. I have to adapt to clay another time. I have to be 100% ready mentally, physically.
The most important thing, playing well, so for Monte-Carlo, Barcelona, Rome, and Madrid maybe.
So, yeah, no, I am really happy to come back to clay. I am excited to start to play on clay, try to play good matches on clay another time.

Q. Two questions: What makes De Potro so tough? Obviously his serve and forehand are effective. And does Indian Wells carryover just eventually wear you down when you go to the finals every year at Indian Wells and win it and then come right here?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. I don't know. No excuse. Last week I played much better than this one.
Yeah, and maybe it's one month, Indian Wells and Miami. One month is a lot, because when you finish Indian Wells you have one week practicing here.
So after I came back from Australia I have Rotterdam after three days. Later, Davis Cup. So it's a long, long time.
But anyway, you can say one thousand things about this, but in the end, the important thing is I didn't play well. I lose and he play better than me.

Q. And Del Potro again, what makes him so effective?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think he didn't play one of his best matches, no? That's what I feel. I don't know. You can ask him later maybe.
But I think he played well. His level is 7 of the world, no, so he's very good. I think he didn't play an unbelievable match, but I didn't play on my best level today.

Q. How many days would you wish to rest before the clay court season in the ideal situation?
RAFAEL NADAL: You never know.

Q. How many days will you rest before working?
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe I gonna arrive Saturday Mallorca, so I start Monday.

Q. Are you mystified or puzzled by how you played during this tournament, or do you understand why you didn't play well and know what to do next?
RAFAEL NADAL: Always is a reason because you are not playing at your level during the tournament. No, I am calm. I am happy about myself, about everything this year, yeah. I don't know. Always is a reason, but it's personal.

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link post  Posted: 03.04.09 04:23. Post subject: Always is a reason, ..

Always is a reason, but it's personal.

это Рафин английский или он действительно имел в виду то, что сказал?

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