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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 21:37. Post subject: Всё, что в прессе о Роджере-экспрессе-1

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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 20:12. Post subject: nu i kuda vot jetu c..

ну и куда вот эту чуму девать?

Federer "old" in loss to Murray

3/22/09 6:05 AM | Ricky Dimon
- Roger Federer referred to himself as "old" following his semifinal loss to Andy Murray at the Masters Series Indian Wells on Saturday. Murray advances to play Rafael Nadal.

Andy Murray beat Roger Federer for the fourth straight time on Saturday afternoon, prevailing 6-3, 4-6, 6-1 in the semifinals of the BNP Paribas Open. Federer's third-set meltdown invoked memories of the 2009 Australian Open final, in which the world No. 2 fell to Rafael Nadal 6-2 in the fifth set.

Whereas Federer broke down in tears following that epic encounter, this time the Swiss composed himself and did his best to explain the loss to Murray, against whom he is now 2-6.

“I’m old, he’s young," noted Federer, six years Murray's elder at 27. "Makes a huge difference."

Federer went on to use the term "shocking" in describing his third-set performance. "I think in the last few matches I always felt Andy came on strong as the match went on. This time was different. I think I played well in the second, forced the issue a bit more, and then I played a shocking third set."

The 13-time Grand Slam champion, however, made sure to give credit to Murray for seizing victory. "He played unbelievable in the end," Federer said. "He’s a great counter-puncher and reads the game really well. He has great feel. So he’s very confident at the moment. You can tell, the way he plays. He knows he doesn’t have to play close to the lines because he can cover the court really well. I think that calms him down mentally. I think that is why he’s playing so well."

Murray will take on Nadal, a straight-set winner over Andy Roddick, in Sunday's Indian Wells title match. Federer now moves on to Miami, where he was upset by Roddick in last year's quarterfinals.


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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 22:38. Post subject: March 21, 2009 A. MU..

March 21, 2009
A. MURRAY/R. Federer

6-3, 4-6, 6-1

Q. At 2-1, 15-all, Andy took a tumble. You checked to see that he was okay, and then three points later you're walking off broken. You don't win another game. What happened?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, way too many errors today. The first set, I tried to keep playing; I couldn't. I struggled with the rhythm today, so that was the same thing in the third set.

Q. It was very, very early, of course, but when you had that Love-40 game, did that just set the stage for what was going on?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, now, looking back, sure. I would have loved to go in front with the lead. We had a tough rally as well at 30-40. Who knows if I maybe win that point, maybe he can't play the way he played all match long, you know.
So that definitely helped him to stay in the match, and then maybe got the break later on after that. So it was a tough match for me and tough moment.

Q. Do you recall struggling that much with your backhand in a long time?
ROGER FEDERER: Ah, yeah, I have those moments quite frequently.

Q. How disappointed? Are you disappointed? What's the mood? What's the feel?
ROGER FEDERER: Two minutes after the match I don't know. You know, you're just like disappointed a bit, but it was a decent tournament. Not the greatest of all time, but it was all right.
I still had high hopes for today, so I have to look forward. Hopefully I'll play well in Miami.

Q. What makes him difficult?
ROGER FEDERER: He's a great counter puncher and reads the game really well. He's got great feel, you know, so he's -- he's very confident at the moment. You can tell the way he plays, you know. He knows he doesn't need to play close to the lines because he knows he can cover the court really well.
I think that calms him down mentally. I think that's why he's playing so well.

Q. When he did go down, though, did you think he was hurt? And after that, did he just play better, or did you just...
ROGER FEDERER: Not really, no.

Q. That was a turning point?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, he played unbelievable in the end. I made many mistakes. My fault, you know.
No, I was worried for him. You know, went down badly. I didn't see the entire fall because I was following my ball. But, you know, he screamed, so I hoped he was fine.
I was happy to see that he got back up. That was good that he's not injured.

Q. It's four times now that you've played him at one set all and come away behind in three-set matches. What makes the difference?
ROGER FEDERER: Fitness. I'm old. He's young, you know. Makes a huge difference. No, I mean, those are best-of-three-set matches. I think in the last few matches I always felt Andy came on strong, as the match went on, you know.
This time was different. I think I played well in the second. Forced the issue a bit more and then played a shocking third set. It was one of those matches where it was very up and down from both ends, and today the better player won.

Q. You brought up that you were old. Do you feel the age factor?

Q. Does the heat have an effect on you?
ROGER FEDERER: No, it doesn't. I usually practice in much hotter conditions than this. It was cool.

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link post  Posted: 23.03.09 22:06. Post subject: Федерер: В случае по..

Федерер: В случае пожара взял бы уимблдонский кубок с собой

Понятно, что имея 57 побед на разного рода турнирах, Роджеру Федереру время от времени приходится выкраивать пространство в комнате для трофеев, которая, по словам Роже, очень мала.

«Довольно тяжело решать какой трофей должен находится на более видном месте. Но у меня есть любимые награды — Laureus Sports и швейцарские спортивные трофеи», — заявил швейцарец на недавней пресс-конференции. «Я не большой любитель наград за второе место. Обычно они стоят за всеми главными, но порой я вообще уношу из комнаты».

Ответил Роджер и на популярный в спортивной журналистике вопрос «что бы вы вынесли из наград в случае неожиданного пожара?»: «Без сомнений захватил бы с собой какой-нибудь из уимблдонских кубков. На шею надел бы золотую медаль с Олимпиады, а во вторую руку взял бы трофей с Открытого чемпионата США».


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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 16:28. Post subject: На спортс.ру большой..

На спортс.ру большой обзор зарубежной прессы, вот два куска о Роджере, которые стоит прочитать, на мой взгляд. В свете разговора о том, что "мы ждём перемен"(с, irina)

Роджер Федерер, приобретший еще одного неудобного для себя соперника в лице шотландского вундеркинда Энди Мюррея, поразил воображение Эндрю Бартона двумя вещами: «Роджер Федерер вошел в зал для пресс-конференций с тем же самым выражением, которое я видел на лицах функционеров Банка Америки, когда они отчитывались перед Конгрессом.

Правда, ни один из чиновников не приходил в Конгресс буквально с теннисного корта, и ни один из них не тащил две сумки, нагруженные теннисной амуницией. Если задуматься, я никогда не видел Федерера, или любого другого игрока, который буквально с сумками пришел бы на пресс-конференцию. Но Федерер должен был встретиться с прессой, и он, очевидно, хотел управиться с этим побыстрее. Он был вежлив, но и только, правда, он, по крайней мере, не обвинял экономику.

Бартон никогда не видел ни одного игрока, который, подобно Федереру, буквально с сумками пришел бы на пресс-конференцию

Позже я спросил, почему же Мюррею удалось выиграть четыре третьих сета подряд в матчах из трех сетов. И получил в ответ порцию черного юмора: «Я стар. А он молод, понимаете. Огромная разница».

Как болельщик я втихомолку поддерживаю Федерера, но как журналист я должен писать то, что вижу, а не то, что хочу видеть. Федерер, казалось, был далек от своей настоящей игры во всех пяти матчах на этой неделе. Я не видел, чтобы Федерер хорошо провел хотя бы целый сет на этом турнире – были какие-то отрывки хорошей игры и редкие проблески, но полное отсутствие устойчивости».

Питер Бодо, размышляя о Федерере, возвращается к своей излюбленной теме отсутствия тренера: «Эта неделя подтвердила, что Федерер находится на третьей стадии величия по моей классификации. Абсурдно предполагать, что он не сможет выиграть еще один турнир «Большого шлема». Может, даже три или четыре. Но также абсурдно считать, что он является тем же игроком, каким он был до «Уимблдона» 2008 года, или, что место в центре теннисной вселенной зарезервировано за ним, пока он сам не решит, что готов его покинуть. Он уже его покинул, его оттуда вытолкнули. Сейчас осталось увидеть одну вещь – насколько он готов бороться за то, что имел или, по его мнению, все еще имеет.

Давайте посмотрим чуть-чуть в прошлое. Пит Сампрас прошел такой же период смятения, прежде чем завоевал свой четырнадцатый титул «Большого шлема». У него были столь же озадачивающие поражения, и вокруг него ходили те же разговоры, с которыми Федереру приходится встречаться сейчас в его третьей стадии величия. Сампрас до этого уволил Пола Анакона, который пас его во время славных дней, потому что он искал чего-то нового, чего-то другого, чего-то, что помогло бы ему сказать еще какие-то слова в теннисе. Ему удалось сказать эти слова после того, как он осознал свою ошибку и вернулся к Анакону со шляпой в руке, признавая, что был не прав. Это был храбрый поступок.

Я вновь приведу старое выражение – гордыня ведет к падению. Точно так же, как гордыня двигает лучшими игроками в начале их карьеры, она может быть помехой на финальной стадии. Чемпион, который не хочет поступиться своей гордостью, это чемпион с непреодолимым недостатком.

Сейчас игра Федерера выглядит отрывочной, лишенной определенности, он, кажется, разрывается между желанием перемен и неприятием их. Он может отправиться в Майами, убежденный, что ему просто не хватило практики. Возможно, в данный момент, поскольку все равно у него нет времени что-то изменить до Майами, это самое правильное отношение. Но, по моему мнению, его лучшим ходом в этой игре будет покинуть Флориду, с трофеем или без, осознав, что игра изменилась, и ему надо меняться вместе с ней».

И напоследок, чтобы, после этих столь торжественных уверений в непобедимости Надаля, чуть-чуть развлечь болельщиков Федерера, приведем статистические изыскания ESPN.com. Они проводят связь между отцовством и победами на турнирах «Большого шлема» (при этом они рассматривали только мульти-чемпионов, тех, в чей круг входит Федерер, продолжавших карьеру после рождения ребенка). Так вот, только трое из больших имен открытой эры – Агасси, Беккер и Коннорс – выигрывали турниры «Большого шлема» после появления детей, и во всех трех случаях у них рождались мальчики. Те трое – Эдберг, Виландер и Лендл – кто продолжал карьеру после появления на свет дочерей – не выиграли больше ни одного из главных титулов. Несколько нарушает столь цельную картину Джон Макинрой – у него родился сын спустя два года после последней победы на турнире «Большого шлема», и он еще продолжал карьеру в это время – но на то он и Макинрой, чтобы нарушать все возможные традиции. Так что, если у Федерера родится мальчик, у него еще есть все шансы побить рекорд Сампраса. А если у него родится дочка, ну подумайте сами, какое ему тогда будет дело до любых рекордов в мире?


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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 18:06. Post subject: И опять возникает во..

И опять возникает вопрос - кого пригласить?

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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 18:34. Post subject: «Без сомнений захват..

«Без сомнений захватил бы с собой какой-нибудь из уимблдонских кубков. На шею надел бы золотую медаль с Олимпиады, а во вторую руку взял бы трофей с Открытого чемпионата США».

Австралия не в фаворе.

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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 23:08. Post subject: Поздравляю Роджера с..

Поздравляю Роджера с наградами


Roger Federer continues to shine as the fairest and most popular player on the ATP World Tour after the 2008 ATP World Tour Awards were announced in Miami today. Fellow players voted Federer the winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for a record fifth consecutive year. Only Edberg himself won the award five times (over eight years). And in a poll of fans, Federer for the sixth consecutive year was voted ATPWorldTour.com Fans’ Favourite.

Of his dual honours, Federer said: “It is great to receive two more awards. It is always important for me to be a good sportsman on the court and give the right example for others to follow and hopefully inspire the next generation. It also means the world to me to be the fans’ favourite player for the sixth year in a row. The support I receive from the fans around the world is so motivating and it is humbling to receive this award once again."

Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award

Roger Federer: Fellow players voted the four-time ATP World Tour Champion the winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for a record fifth consecutive year. Edberg is the only other player to have won the award five times (over eight years).

ATPWorldTour.com Fans' Favourite (Singles)

Roger Federer: Admired for his work on and off the court, Roger Federer continues to be admired by millions of fans around the world, who have voted the four-time ATP World Tour Champion the ATPWorldTour.com Fans’ Favourite for a record sixth consecutive year. Federer received 26.6 percent of all votes, followed by Rafael Nadal (22.8%), Novak Djokovic (7.8%) and Fernando Gonzalez (6.2%).

click here

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 10:45. Post subject: Ого! 6-й раз подряд ..

Ого! 6-й раз подряд приз зрительских симпатий! Он в фаворе и в победах, и в поражениях!

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 14:36. Post subject: Очень приятная новос..

Очень приятная новость!

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 18:32. Post subject: Приз зрительских сим..

Приз зрительских симпатий! На будущий год план перевыполним.

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 22:42. Post subject: March 25, 2009 An in..

March 25, 2009
An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Just give us a little idea of how you're feeling, how you've been practicing since you've arrived here from Indian Wells?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, I'm feeling all right, you know. A bit tired yesterday from travel, but I practiced yesterday and today, and got one more hour tomorrow, and then off we goes.
So it's a decent amount of time to get ready. You know, it's more of the gusty winds over here, and more humid, but it's not been bad. You know, so it's actually been pretty easy to adapt.

Q. Can you talk about just how important this tournament is to you right now at this stage of the season to you? You obviously want to win every tournament, but how important is it to you to get a win?
ROGER FEDERER: It's always been an important tournament for me. I won the Orange Bowl here in '98, and I've been back every year since, you know, so I think this is my 10th year as a pro coming here.
I've always enjoyed coming here. I always hope to do well. I mean, it's sort of important, let's say. I mean, it's the end of the hardcourts. You don't take that much over, you know, to clay because it's so different. But it would be great to play well and win the tournament here, that's for sure.

Q. There was a sense, Roger, that your back was probably giving you more trouble in Indian Wells than you led us to believe.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, the back is okay. I still wish it was better, but it's not really handicapping me even when I'm playing.
It's not that bad. You know, I just didn't play a great match against Andy, you know. But the tournament was okay, you know. At least, you know, I had the match on my racquet when I play Andy, whereas versus last year when I lost to Fish, you know, I didn't have that much control.
Maybe you're a bit more disappointed when you lose a match like this year. But it's okay; it happens. I haven't played in a while, so it was a decent comeback.

Q. I just want to ask you about becoming a father this summer. Are you already, like, reading books about babies and things like that? Do you know anything about babies? Have you ever changed a diaper?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, you know, I'm very excited, you know, so is Mirka. We're looking forward to see how it's going to, you know, impact, you know, our lives.
You know, I hung around quite a few kids, you know, last few years, so it's been fun seeing, you know, how it all works. You know, before that, I was, you know, young myself. So I think it's sort of the right time now for us to do this move, and, yeah, we'll see how it goes.

Q. What makes this tournament so special, Roger? This is called like the fifth major.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, it's well-run, great crowds, you know. Many South Americans come up, you know, and enjoy this event, as well. Great stadium. You know, nice location, too. The city is fun, too.
So I think the players really like coming here. It's a good time of the year. Coming to the States, the swing with Indian Wells and Miami really works well. Yeah, it's the end of the hardcourts, as well. I think it's kind of a celebration of that before we come back for the American hardcourts later on in the year.
But, no, they run a great event here. It's always a big interest in the media side and from the fan side. I always enjoy coming here, so it's a good tournament.

Q. What do you know about your opponent, Kevin Kim?
ROGER FEDERER: Not that much, you know, even though he's been around for a while. You know, he plays a one-handed backhand. Yeah, he's an aggressive baseliner, you know. Didn't see anything of his match today, but I know a couple of friends who played against him.

Q. Are there any specific places, any restaurants or something that you like to go every time you come to Miami?
ROGER FEDERER: I like going to South Beach. It's the place to be here, you know. I used to stay down there actually for many years during the tournament. I decided it was too much of a distraction, so I kind of changed it up.
I like still going there for dinners, you know, and hanging out down at the beach.

Q. The last few sets you lost to Nadal and Andy Murray, is it something you want to think about a lot or you want to forget about?
ROGER FEDERER: Oh, like the five setters against Rafa?

Q. Is that something you want to analyze or not?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I guess you could analyze it but in a big way. But at the same time, it just happens sometimes. Of course I was disappointed the way the match ended in Australia, also how it ended at Indian Wells. But at the same time, you know, it's not the end of the world, you know. You move on from there, and you try to not make it happen.
But honestly, it doesn't really play on my mind a whole lot, you know, because I go out there and try to play every point as tough as I can. When errors happen, it's disappointing; and when they don't happen, it's what you expect, kind of.
It was a bit unexpected, but I just have to make sure I play well and have the right attitude. I was excited. I was playing okay midway through the second set, so it was surprising to play so bad towards the end.

Q. Would you say is the reason for the change in balance in tennis? Years ago it was like United States all over. Agassi, Sampras, Connors, and McEnroe. Now you don't see any American players like in the top spots. What would you say the reason?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I guess Americans always have had problems to a degree playing on clay, well on clay. So especially Andy's record at the French Open is not the greatest, you know; James, the same thing. You have other players coming up that maybe are a bit more comfortable on clay, like Querrey.
I think that's hurt them over the years, you know, to be maybe more of a threat to the top ranking. If you look back, you had Courier who played really well on clay, Agassi played well on clay. Pete was so good he could play well on clay, too, you know.
I think this is a bit of a difference, you know. But at the same time, they -- you know, they were legends of the game, you know, the other players we're talking about. You can't always have a generation that's always so incredibly strong like what they had, you know.
I still think they have very good players. That's why they won Davis Cup. That's why, you know, one of the toughest teams to win Davis Cup, but I don't know. We'll see in the future what's going to happen. But, I mean, men's tennis in the States is not doing that bad after all. Andy is coming back strong.

Q. Speaking of Davis Cup, not that long ago, players played Davis Cup really just for their expenses and not getting a payment for being there because they were playing for their countries. Do you think that concept could still work in today's era of tennis, or would the players maybe not go because they're not getting paid anything?
ROGER FEDERER: Honestly I never heard of money being the issue here, why players are not playing.
Um, I get paid very little when I play Davis Cup, you know, because our federation is small and doesn't have much money. We have a system in place that works and is fair from No. 1, 2, 3, 4 player. But we don't get paid like maybe the Americans do or the French do. We get 50 or 100 grand each match plus prize money or whatever.
Sometimes I walk away with $5,000, you know, or $10,000. It's not that I play or not play because of the money, you know. I'm beyond that point, you know. I don't know if that's even in the talks that they want to increase prize money or not.
For me, it's the problem with the weeks. I can't focus on No. 1 in the world, trying to win the Grand Slams, trying to win Masters Series, and then also trying to win Davis Cup, you know.
It's just been too much, so something had to give. I decided Davis Cup was the one thing I was not going to play in February. If they would make to quarters, I would then maybe get back into the team. But it never happened in five years, so there you go.

Q. You mentioned that you were young once. How enthused are you still about what you can achieve in the game?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, I'm excited to see how much longer I can play. You know, I've got a very, is it energy -- energy-consume -- not consuming game, like a relaxed playing style, so that helps me to play for long times. I already have, you know, done so many things and achieved so many great records that everything that comes now is such a -- I'm just adding up, you know, which is scarey to some degree, even for me, you know.
So I'm excited to go for my sixth Wimbledon and my sixth US Open. All those kinds of things is just fascinating, and it's like motivating at the same time. That's why I work extremely hard in the off-season and make sure I'm in great shape.
You know, I'm a professional, but I like to have fun, you know, next to the tennis court. And because I have the right balance, I think I'm going to be in the game for a long time.

Q. You're friends with a couple of former players, like Pete Sampras and Tim Henman, both of whom are fathers and both of whom had to balance the challenge of playing with being a father. Have you spoken to them, or would you like to speak to them to find out how it was for them?
ROGER FEDERER: I haven't actually spoken to them, but they both congratulated me. That's nice.
No, I think it's up to me, you know, to make the right decisions. I'm sure I'm still going to be very, very focused, you know, in the game of tennis. That's what Mirka wants, anyway, as well. That's a good thing.
I think it's just going to be more fun, you know, even. I think it's going to motivate me and inspire me, you know, seeing how the child grows and so forth, you know. And Mirka's dream, especially mine too in a way, was always to maybe one day have maybe, you know, a kid on the sideline seeing me play while I'm still active. I think there's a great possibility now, and so I'm excited about that.
That's why even more so I want to play for a long time.

Q. Down the line in this tournament, if you end up having to play Rafa again, do you play him differently, or do you still go out and play your regular game? Do you feel at some point you need to change the way you play against him?
ROGER FEDERER: No, I play as well as I can against him. I've tried many different things against Rafa. It depends a lot also on the conditions, you know. You look at the finals last week. Both couldn't play the way they usually play because the wind was howling, you know. You have to adapt to the conditions. Is it really hot? Is it windy? Is it cool? Is it day? Is it night? All those kinds of things matter in tennis.
Usually, it's the aggressive playing style that makes me beat Rafa. And especially on the hardcourts, you know, I didn't get that many chances if I look back. I've had so many more times on clay.
You know, on a hardcourt I have to play aggressive against him. There's no way around that. I know how I have to play him. I've beat him enough to know.

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 10:31. Post subject: That's why even ..

That's why even more so I want to play for a long time.

Правильно, Фед.. не спеши!

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 11:58. Post subject: amina Да как-то обн..

Да как-то обнадеживает и читать приятно

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 12:55. Post subject: миссис хадсон А ка..

миссис хадсон

А как тебе это? Столько шума на спортс.ру по этому поводу было

I know how I have to play him.

а с этого я долго смеялась

Well, you know, I'm very excited, you know, so is Mirka. We're looking forward to see how it's going to, you know, impact, you know, our lives.

Ну как это читать? С недавнего времени стала замечать, что мне самой частенько хочется вставлять это "ю ноу"

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 13:13. Post subject: amina Да ,это "..

Да ,это "ю ноу" заразительно,как инфекция

а по поводу I know how I have to play him.
так только Спортс.ру отреагирвала на это, оно и понятно .

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 13:19. Post subject: а вот комментарии к ..

а вот комментарии к тем фото со Светой Кузнецовой:
Роджер Федерер носит меха

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 13:59. Post subject: irina Что-то ссылка..

Что-то ссылка не работает..

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 14:02. Post subject: миссис хадсон Да про..

миссис хадсон
Да просто переврали фразу, вырвали из контекста и вывели в заголовок

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 14:33. Post subject: irina заинтересовал..

заинтересовалась, че за меха он носит, прогнала через переводчик, получилась какая-то хрень, но смысл понятен

В Индейское Wells Роже Федерер давал возвращение в поездке ATP почти через 2 месяца паузы и достигал с первого раза полуфинала. Все же говорит Tennis-Maestro только о «порядочной производительности». То, что он работал в течение 2 месяцев не только regeniert, но и в его фитнесе, самые новые картины Роже Федерера указывают – и они поставляют доказательство: Роджер несет шкуру. Даже Kusnezowa удивляется причина достаточно, для Американской сцены Blogger сообщать о Роджере. На различных сторонах обсуждается теперь спорно смысл и вздор волосяного покрова тела. Мнения расходятся – кого wunderts – далеко.« Волосяной покров тела подходит Роджеру, она делает его еще мужественнее», такой Bloggerin. «Волосяной покров груди был, вероятно, однажды 20 лет назад в, теперь, собственно, что-то в этом роде больше не идет», думает другая. Даже партнер тренировки Светлана Куснецова прибывает с Traumbody в удивление. Обмен футболки мог бы восхитить многочисленную (женственную) публику. Будь то Mirka охотно видит это? (sim)

никому покоя его "меха" не дают

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 14:37. Post subject: amina ничего не выд..

ничего не выдрали и не переврали. это я ее перевела, и, кстати, совершенно правильно.
статейка ироничнaя вполне. о том, как всех волосатость Роджа заботит. о том, как это теперь, принято, или нет. даже опрос имеется "сбривать или не сбривать"!


даже его партнерша по тренировкам Светлана Кузнецова была поражена

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 
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