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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 21:37. Post subject: Всё, что в прессе о Роджере-экспрессе-1

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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 20:12. Post subject: nu i kuda vot jetu c..

ну и куда вот эту чуму девать?

Federer "old" in loss to Murray

3/22/09 6:05 AM | Ricky Dimon
- Roger Federer referred to himself as "old" following his semifinal loss to Andy Murray at the Masters Series Indian Wells on Saturday. Murray advances to play Rafael Nadal.

Andy Murray beat Roger Federer for the fourth straight time on Saturday afternoon, prevailing 6-3, 4-6, 6-1 in the semifinals of the BNP Paribas Open. Federer's third-set meltdown invoked memories of the 2009 Australian Open final, in which the world No. 2 fell to Rafael Nadal 6-2 in the fifth set.

Whereas Federer broke down in tears following that epic encounter, this time the Swiss composed himself and did his best to explain the loss to Murray, against whom he is now 2-6.

“I’m old, he’s young," noted Federer, six years Murray's elder at 27. "Makes a huge difference."

Federer went on to use the term "shocking" in describing his third-set performance. "I think in the last few matches I always felt Andy came on strong as the match went on. This time was different. I think I played well in the second, forced the issue a bit more, and then I played a shocking third set."

The 13-time Grand Slam champion, however, made sure to give credit to Murray for seizing victory. "He played unbelievable in the end," Federer said. "He’s a great counter-puncher and reads the game really well. He has great feel. So he’s very confident at the moment. You can tell, the way he plays. He knows he doesn’t have to play close to the lines because he can cover the court really well. I think that calms him down mentally. I think that is why he’s playing so well."

Murray will take on Nadal, a straight-set winner over Andy Roddick, in Sunday's Indian Wells title match. Federer now moves on to Miami, where he was upset by Roddick in last year's quarterfinals.


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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 22:38. Post subject: March 21, 2009 A. MU..

March 21, 2009
A. MURRAY/R. Federer

6-3, 4-6, 6-1

Q. At 2-1, 15-all, Andy took a tumble. You checked to see that he was okay, and then three points later you're walking off broken. You don't win another game. What happened?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, way too many errors today. The first set, I tried to keep playing; I couldn't. I struggled with the rhythm today, so that was the same thing in the third set.

Q. It was very, very early, of course, but when you had that Love-40 game, did that just set the stage for what was going on?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, now, looking back, sure. I would have loved to go in front with the lead. We had a tough rally as well at 30-40. Who knows if I maybe win that point, maybe he can't play the way he played all match long, you know.
So that definitely helped him to stay in the match, and then maybe got the break later on after that. So it was a tough match for me and tough moment.

Q. Do you recall struggling that much with your backhand in a long time?
ROGER FEDERER: Ah, yeah, I have those moments quite frequently.

Q. How disappointed? Are you disappointed? What's the mood? What's the feel?
ROGER FEDERER: Two minutes after the match I don't know. You know, you're just like disappointed a bit, but it was a decent tournament. Not the greatest of all time, but it was all right.
I still had high hopes for today, so I have to look forward. Hopefully I'll play well in Miami.

Q. What makes him difficult?
ROGER FEDERER: He's a great counter puncher and reads the game really well. He's got great feel, you know, so he's -- he's very confident at the moment. You can tell the way he plays, you know. He knows he doesn't need to play close to the lines because he knows he can cover the court really well.
I think that calms him down mentally. I think that's why he's playing so well.

Q. When he did go down, though, did you think he was hurt? And after that, did he just play better, or did you just...
ROGER FEDERER: Not really, no.

Q. That was a turning point?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, he played unbelievable in the end. I made many mistakes. My fault, you know.
No, I was worried for him. You know, went down badly. I didn't see the entire fall because I was following my ball. But, you know, he screamed, so I hoped he was fine.
I was happy to see that he got back up. That was good that he's not injured.

Q. It's four times now that you've played him at one set all and come away behind in three-set matches. What makes the difference?
ROGER FEDERER: Fitness. I'm old. He's young, you know. Makes a huge difference. No, I mean, those are best-of-three-set matches. I think in the last few matches I always felt Andy came on strong, as the match went on, you know.
This time was different. I think I played well in the second. Forced the issue a bit more and then played a shocking third set. It was one of those matches where it was very up and down from both ends, and today the better player won.

Q. You brought up that you were old. Do you feel the age factor?

Q. Does the heat have an effect on you?
ROGER FEDERER: No, it doesn't. I usually practice in much hotter conditions than this. It was cool.

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link post  Posted: 23.03.09 22:06. Post subject: Федерер: В случае по..

Федерер: В случае пожара взял бы уимблдонский кубок с собой

Понятно, что имея 57 побед на разного рода турнирах, Роджеру Федереру время от времени приходится выкраивать пространство в комнате для трофеев, которая, по словам Роже, очень мала.

«Довольно тяжело решать какой трофей должен находится на более видном месте. Но у меня есть любимые награды — Laureus Sports и швейцарские спортивные трофеи», — заявил швейцарец на недавней пресс-конференции. «Я не большой любитель наград за второе место. Обычно они стоят за всеми главными, но порой я вообще уношу из комнаты».

Ответил Роджер и на популярный в спортивной журналистике вопрос «что бы вы вынесли из наград в случае неожиданного пожара?»: «Без сомнений захватил бы с собой какой-нибудь из уимблдонских кубков. На шею надел бы золотую медаль с Олимпиады, а во вторую руку взял бы трофей с Открытого чемпионата США».


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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 16:28. Post subject: На спортс.ру большой..

На спортс.ру большой обзор зарубежной прессы, вот два куска о Роджере, которые стоит прочитать, на мой взгляд. В свете разговора о том, что "мы ждём перемен"(с, irina)

Роджер Федерер, приобретший еще одного неудобного для себя соперника в лице шотландского вундеркинда Энди Мюррея, поразил воображение Эндрю Бартона двумя вещами: «Роджер Федерер вошел в зал для пресс-конференций с тем же самым выражением, которое я видел на лицах функционеров Банка Америки, когда они отчитывались перед Конгрессом.

Правда, ни один из чиновников не приходил в Конгресс буквально с теннисного корта, и ни один из них не тащил две сумки, нагруженные теннисной амуницией. Если задуматься, я никогда не видел Федерера, или любого другого игрока, который буквально с сумками пришел бы на пресс-конференцию. Но Федерер должен был встретиться с прессой, и он, очевидно, хотел управиться с этим побыстрее. Он был вежлив, но и только, правда, он, по крайней мере, не обвинял экономику.

Бартон никогда не видел ни одного игрока, который, подобно Федереру, буквально с сумками пришел бы на пресс-конференцию

Позже я спросил, почему же Мюррею удалось выиграть четыре третьих сета подряд в матчах из трех сетов. И получил в ответ порцию черного юмора: «Я стар. А он молод, понимаете. Огромная разница».

Как болельщик я втихомолку поддерживаю Федерера, но как журналист я должен писать то, что вижу, а не то, что хочу видеть. Федерер, казалось, был далек от своей настоящей игры во всех пяти матчах на этой неделе. Я не видел, чтобы Федерер хорошо провел хотя бы целый сет на этом турнире – были какие-то отрывки хорошей игры и редкие проблески, но полное отсутствие устойчивости».

Питер Бодо, размышляя о Федерере, возвращается к своей излюбленной теме отсутствия тренера: «Эта неделя подтвердила, что Федерер находится на третьей стадии величия по моей классификации. Абсурдно предполагать, что он не сможет выиграть еще один турнир «Большого шлема». Может, даже три или четыре. Но также абсурдно считать, что он является тем же игроком, каким он был до «Уимблдона» 2008 года, или, что место в центре теннисной вселенной зарезервировано за ним, пока он сам не решит, что готов его покинуть. Он уже его покинул, его оттуда вытолкнули. Сейчас осталось увидеть одну вещь – насколько он готов бороться за то, что имел или, по его мнению, все еще имеет.

Давайте посмотрим чуть-чуть в прошлое. Пит Сампрас прошел такой же период смятения, прежде чем завоевал свой четырнадцатый титул «Большого шлема». У него были столь же озадачивающие поражения, и вокруг него ходили те же разговоры, с которыми Федереру приходится встречаться сейчас в его третьей стадии величия. Сампрас до этого уволил Пола Анакона, который пас его во время славных дней, потому что он искал чего-то нового, чего-то другого, чего-то, что помогло бы ему сказать еще какие-то слова в теннисе. Ему удалось сказать эти слова после того, как он осознал свою ошибку и вернулся к Анакону со шляпой в руке, признавая, что был не прав. Это был храбрый поступок.

Я вновь приведу старое выражение – гордыня ведет к падению. Точно так же, как гордыня двигает лучшими игроками в начале их карьеры, она может быть помехой на финальной стадии. Чемпион, который не хочет поступиться своей гордостью, это чемпион с непреодолимым недостатком.

Сейчас игра Федерера выглядит отрывочной, лишенной определенности, он, кажется, разрывается между желанием перемен и неприятием их. Он может отправиться в Майами, убежденный, что ему просто не хватило практики. Возможно, в данный момент, поскольку все равно у него нет времени что-то изменить до Майами, это самое правильное отношение. Но, по моему мнению, его лучшим ходом в этой игре будет покинуть Флориду, с трофеем или без, осознав, что игра изменилась, и ему надо меняться вместе с ней».

И напоследок, чтобы, после этих столь торжественных уверений в непобедимости Надаля, чуть-чуть развлечь болельщиков Федерера, приведем статистические изыскания ESPN.com. Они проводят связь между отцовством и победами на турнирах «Большого шлема» (при этом они рассматривали только мульти-чемпионов, тех, в чей круг входит Федерер, продолжавших карьеру после рождения ребенка). Так вот, только трое из больших имен открытой эры – Агасси, Беккер и Коннорс – выигрывали турниры «Большого шлема» после появления детей, и во всех трех случаях у них рождались мальчики. Те трое – Эдберг, Виландер и Лендл – кто продолжал карьеру после появления на свет дочерей – не выиграли больше ни одного из главных титулов. Несколько нарушает столь цельную картину Джон Макинрой – у него родился сын спустя два года после последней победы на турнире «Большого шлема», и он еще продолжал карьеру в это время – но на то он и Макинрой, чтобы нарушать все возможные традиции. Так что, если у Федерера родится мальчик, у него еще есть все шансы побить рекорд Сампраса. А если у него родится дочка, ну подумайте сами, какое ему тогда будет дело до любых рекордов в мире?


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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 18:06. Post subject: И опять возникает во..

И опять возникает вопрос - кого пригласить?

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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 18:34. Post subject: «Без сомнений захват..

«Без сомнений захватил бы с собой какой-нибудь из уимблдонских кубков. На шею надел бы золотую медаль с Олимпиады, а во вторую руку взял бы трофей с Открытого чемпионата США».

Австралия не в фаворе.

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link post  Posted: 25.03.09 23:08. Post subject: Поздравляю Роджера с..

Поздравляю Роджера с наградами


Roger Federer continues to shine as the fairest and most popular player on the ATP World Tour after the 2008 ATP World Tour Awards were announced in Miami today. Fellow players voted Federer the winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for a record fifth consecutive year. Only Edberg himself won the award five times (over eight years). And in a poll of fans, Federer for the sixth consecutive year was voted ATPWorldTour.com Fans’ Favourite.

Of his dual honours, Federer said: “It is great to receive two more awards. It is always important for me to be a good sportsman on the court and give the right example for others to follow and hopefully inspire the next generation. It also means the world to me to be the fans’ favourite player for the sixth year in a row. The support I receive from the fans around the world is so motivating and it is humbling to receive this award once again."

Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award

Roger Federer: Fellow players voted the four-time ATP World Tour Champion the winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for a record fifth consecutive year. Edberg is the only other player to have won the award five times (over eight years).

ATPWorldTour.com Fans' Favourite (Singles)

Roger Federer: Admired for his work on and off the court, Roger Federer continues to be admired by millions of fans around the world, who have voted the four-time ATP World Tour Champion the ATPWorldTour.com Fans’ Favourite for a record sixth consecutive year. Federer received 26.6 percent of all votes, followed by Rafael Nadal (22.8%), Novak Djokovic (7.8%) and Fernando Gonzalez (6.2%).

click here

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 10:45. Post subject: Ого! 6-й раз подряд ..

Ого! 6-й раз подряд приз зрительских симпатий! Он в фаворе и в победах, и в поражениях!

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 14:36. Post subject: Очень приятная новос..

Очень приятная новость!

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 18:32. Post subject: Приз зрительских сим..

Приз зрительских симпатий! На будущий год план перевыполним.

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link post  Posted: 26.03.09 22:42. Post subject: March 25, 2009 An in..

March 25, 2009
An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Just give us a little idea of how you're feeling, how you've been practicing since you've arrived here from Indian Wells?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, I'm feeling all right, you know. A bit tired yesterday from travel, but I practiced yesterday and today, and got one more hour tomorrow, and then off we goes.
So it's a decent amount of time to get ready. You know, it's more of the gusty winds over here, and more humid, but it's not been bad. You know, so it's actually been pretty easy to adapt.

Q. Can you talk about just how important this tournament is to you right now at this stage of the season to you? You obviously want to win every tournament, but how important is it to you to get a win?
ROGER FEDERER: It's always been an important tournament for me. I won the Orange Bowl here in '98, and I've been back every year since, you know, so I think this is my 10th year as a pro coming here.
I've always enjoyed coming here. I always hope to do well. I mean, it's sort of important, let's say. I mean, it's the end of the hardcourts. You don't take that much over, you know, to clay because it's so different. But it would be great to play well and win the tournament here, that's for sure.

Q. There was a sense, Roger, that your back was probably giving you more trouble in Indian Wells than you led us to believe.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, the back is okay. I still wish it was better, but it's not really handicapping me even when I'm playing.
It's not that bad. You know, I just didn't play a great match against Andy, you know. But the tournament was okay, you know. At least, you know, I had the match on my racquet when I play Andy, whereas versus last year when I lost to Fish, you know, I didn't have that much control.
Maybe you're a bit more disappointed when you lose a match like this year. But it's okay; it happens. I haven't played in a while, so it was a decent comeback.

Q. I just want to ask you about becoming a father this summer. Are you already, like, reading books about babies and things like that? Do you know anything about babies? Have you ever changed a diaper?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, you know, I'm very excited, you know, so is Mirka. We're looking forward to see how it's going to, you know, impact, you know, our lives.
You know, I hung around quite a few kids, you know, last few years, so it's been fun seeing, you know, how it all works. You know, before that, I was, you know, young myself. So I think it's sort of the right time now for us to do this move, and, yeah, we'll see how it goes.

Q. What makes this tournament so special, Roger? This is called like the fifth major.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, it's well-run, great crowds, you know. Many South Americans come up, you know, and enjoy this event, as well. Great stadium. You know, nice location, too. The city is fun, too.
So I think the players really like coming here. It's a good time of the year. Coming to the States, the swing with Indian Wells and Miami really works well. Yeah, it's the end of the hardcourts, as well. I think it's kind of a celebration of that before we come back for the American hardcourts later on in the year.
But, no, they run a great event here. It's always a big interest in the media side and from the fan side. I always enjoy coming here, so it's a good tournament.

Q. What do you know about your opponent, Kevin Kim?
ROGER FEDERER: Not that much, you know, even though he's been around for a while. You know, he plays a one-handed backhand. Yeah, he's an aggressive baseliner, you know. Didn't see anything of his match today, but I know a couple of friends who played against him.

Q. Are there any specific places, any restaurants or something that you like to go every time you come to Miami?
ROGER FEDERER: I like going to South Beach. It's the place to be here, you know. I used to stay down there actually for many years during the tournament. I decided it was too much of a distraction, so I kind of changed it up.
I like still going there for dinners, you know, and hanging out down at the beach.

Q. The last few sets you lost to Nadal and Andy Murray, is it something you want to think about a lot or you want to forget about?
ROGER FEDERER: Oh, like the five setters against Rafa?

Q. Is that something you want to analyze or not?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I guess you could analyze it but in a big way. But at the same time, it just happens sometimes. Of course I was disappointed the way the match ended in Australia, also how it ended at Indian Wells. But at the same time, you know, it's not the end of the world, you know. You move on from there, and you try to not make it happen.
But honestly, it doesn't really play on my mind a whole lot, you know, because I go out there and try to play every point as tough as I can. When errors happen, it's disappointing; and when they don't happen, it's what you expect, kind of.
It was a bit unexpected, but I just have to make sure I play well and have the right attitude. I was excited. I was playing okay midway through the second set, so it was surprising to play so bad towards the end.

Q. Would you say is the reason for the change in balance in tennis? Years ago it was like United States all over. Agassi, Sampras, Connors, and McEnroe. Now you don't see any American players like in the top spots. What would you say the reason?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I guess Americans always have had problems to a degree playing on clay, well on clay. So especially Andy's record at the French Open is not the greatest, you know; James, the same thing. You have other players coming up that maybe are a bit more comfortable on clay, like Querrey.
I think that's hurt them over the years, you know, to be maybe more of a threat to the top ranking. If you look back, you had Courier who played really well on clay, Agassi played well on clay. Pete was so good he could play well on clay, too, you know.
I think this is a bit of a difference, you know. But at the same time, they -- you know, they were legends of the game, you know, the other players we're talking about. You can't always have a generation that's always so incredibly strong like what they had, you know.
I still think they have very good players. That's why they won Davis Cup. That's why, you know, one of the toughest teams to win Davis Cup, but I don't know. We'll see in the future what's going to happen. But, I mean, men's tennis in the States is not doing that bad after all. Andy is coming back strong.

Q. Speaking of Davis Cup, not that long ago, players played Davis Cup really just for their expenses and not getting a payment for being there because they were playing for their countries. Do you think that concept could still work in today's era of tennis, or would the players maybe not go because they're not getting paid anything?
ROGER FEDERER: Honestly I never heard of money being the issue here, why players are not playing.
Um, I get paid very little when I play Davis Cup, you know, because our federation is small and doesn't have much money. We have a system in place that works and is fair from No. 1, 2, 3, 4 player. But we don't get paid like maybe the Americans do or the French do. We get 50 or 100 grand each match plus prize money or whatever.
Sometimes I walk away with $5,000, you know, or $10,000. It's not that I play or not play because of the money, you know. I'm beyond that point, you know. I don't know if that's even in the talks that they want to increase prize money or not.
For me, it's the problem with the weeks. I can't focus on No. 1 in the world, trying to win the Grand Slams, trying to win Masters Series, and then also trying to win Davis Cup, you know.
It's just been too much, so something had to give. I decided Davis Cup was the one thing I was not going to play in February. If they would make to quarters, I would then maybe get back into the team. But it never happened in five years, so there you go.

Q. You mentioned that you were young once. How enthused are you still about what you can achieve in the game?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, I'm excited to see how much longer I can play. You know, I've got a very, is it energy -- energy-consume -- not consuming game, like a relaxed playing style, so that helps me to play for long times. I already have, you know, done so many things and achieved so many great records that everything that comes now is such a -- I'm just adding up, you know, which is scarey to some degree, even for me, you know.
So I'm excited to go for my sixth Wimbledon and my sixth US Open. All those kinds of things is just fascinating, and it's like motivating at the same time. That's why I work extremely hard in the off-season and make sure I'm in great shape.
You know, I'm a professional, but I like to have fun, you know, next to the tennis court. And because I have the right balance, I think I'm going to be in the game for a long time.

Q. You're friends with a couple of former players, like Pete Sampras and Tim Henman, both of whom are fathers and both of whom had to balance the challenge of playing with being a father. Have you spoken to them, or would you like to speak to them to find out how it was for them?
ROGER FEDERER: I haven't actually spoken to them, but they both congratulated me. That's nice.
No, I think it's up to me, you know, to make the right decisions. I'm sure I'm still going to be very, very focused, you know, in the game of tennis. That's what Mirka wants, anyway, as well. That's a good thing.
I think it's just going to be more fun, you know, even. I think it's going to motivate me and inspire me, you know, seeing how the child grows and so forth, you know. And Mirka's dream, especially mine too in a way, was always to maybe one day have maybe, you know, a kid on the sideline seeing me play while I'm still active. I think there's a great possibility now, and so I'm excited about that.
That's why even more so I want to play for a long time.

Q. Down the line in this tournament, if you end up having to play Rafa again, do you play him differently, or do you still go out and play your regular game? Do you feel at some point you need to change the way you play against him?
ROGER FEDERER: No, I play as well as I can against him. I've tried many different things against Rafa. It depends a lot also on the conditions, you know. You look at the finals last week. Both couldn't play the way they usually play because the wind was howling, you know. You have to adapt to the conditions. Is it really hot? Is it windy? Is it cool? Is it day? Is it night? All those kinds of things matter in tennis.
Usually, it's the aggressive playing style that makes me beat Rafa. And especially on the hardcourts, you know, I didn't get that many chances if I look back. I've had so many more times on clay.
You know, on a hardcourt I have to play aggressive against him. There's no way around that. I know how I have to play him. I've beat him enough to know.

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 10:31. Post subject: That's why even ..

That's why even more so I want to play for a long time.

Правильно, Фед.. не спеши!

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 11:58. Post subject: amina Да как-то обн..

Да как-то обнадеживает и читать приятно

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 12:55. Post subject: миссис хадсон А ка..

миссис хадсон

А как тебе это? Столько шума на спортс.ру по этому поводу было

I know how I have to play him.

а с этого я долго смеялась

Well, you know, I'm very excited, you know, so is Mirka. We're looking forward to see how it's going to, you know, impact, you know, our lives.

Ну как это читать? С недавнего времени стала замечать, что мне самой частенько хочется вставлять это "ю ноу"

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 13:13. Post subject: amina Да ,это "..

Да ,это "ю ноу" заразительно,как инфекция

а по поводу I know how I have to play him.
так только Спортс.ру отреагирвала на это, оно и понятно .

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 13:19. Post subject: а вот комментарии к ..

а вот комментарии к тем фото со Светой Кузнецовой:
Роджер Федерер носит меха

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 13:59. Post subject: irina Что-то ссылка..

Что-то ссылка не работает..

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 14:02. Post subject: миссис хадсон Да про..

миссис хадсон
Да просто переврали фразу, вырвали из контекста и вывели в заголовок

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 14:33. Post subject: irina заинтересовал..

заинтересовалась, че за меха он носит, прогнала через переводчик, получилась какая-то хрень, но смысл понятен

В Индейское Wells Роже Федерер давал возвращение в поездке ATP почти через 2 месяца паузы и достигал с первого раза полуфинала. Все же говорит Tennis-Maestro только о «порядочной производительности». То, что он работал в течение 2 месяцев не только regeniert, но и в его фитнесе, самые новые картины Роже Федерера указывают – и они поставляют доказательство: Роджер несет шкуру. Даже Kusnezowa удивляется причина достаточно, для Американской сцены Blogger сообщать о Роджере. На различных сторонах обсуждается теперь спорно смысл и вздор волосяного покрова тела. Мнения расходятся – кого wunderts – далеко.« Волосяной покров тела подходит Роджеру, она делает его еще мужественнее», такой Bloggerin. «Волосяной покров груди был, вероятно, однажды 20 лет назад в, теперь, собственно, что-то в этом роде больше не идет», думает другая. Даже партнер тренировки Светлана Куснецова прибывает с Traumbody в удивление. Обмен футболки мог бы восхитить многочисленную (женственную) публику. Будь то Mirka охотно видит это? (sim)

никому покоя его "меха" не дают

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 14:37. Post subject: amina ничего не выд..

ничего не выдрали и не переврали. это я ее перевела, и, кстати, совершенно правильно.
статейка ироничнaя вполне. о том, как всех волосатость Роджа заботит. о том, как это теперь, принято, или нет. даже опрос имеется "сбривать или не сбривать"!


даже его партнерша по тренировкам Светлана Кузнецова была поражена

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 
миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 17:44. Post subject: irina Ирина, amina ..

Ирина, amina имела ввиду фразу I know how I have to play him. , мы тут с ней обсуждали ее.

А волосатость Федьке идет, на мой взгяд, и это единственный случай, када лохматость на мужуке мне нравится!

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 20:13. Post subject: Не поняла.. Чем была..

Не поняла.. Чем была поражена Кузнецова? Волосатостью его груди?? А по мне, ему она чертовски идет: подчеркивает его мужественность! Не хочу обритого Роджа!))))

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 20:23. Post subject: amina А то она его ..

А то она его раздетым за столько лет не видела!
Засмущалась деушка от федькиной сексуальности и фсе

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 22:46. Post subject: Aга, она куда смотре..

Aга, она куда смотрела 7-8 лет?))
И Федьку хочет смутить?) Мне так интересно, что она там именно сказала) Неужели такое можно обсуждать??

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 22:54. Post subject: amina Думаю,никто н..

Думаю,никто не знает что они там обсуждали и это вариация на тему...ЧТО СКАЗАА КУЗЯ

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link post  Posted: 27.03.09 23:22. Post subject: Вы это читали? Плака..

Вы это читали? Плакать или смеяться?

Рафаэль Федерер! А почему бы и нет?

Одна из лондонских букмекерских контор предлагает сделать ставку на то, что Федерер и его многолетняя подруга Мирослава Вавринец назовут первенца именем Рафаэля Надаля - ярого соперника на корте и хорошего приятеля в жизни. Коэффициент на эту ставку равняется 201. Вариант с именем другой знаменитости - гольфиста Тайгера Вудса, по мнению букмекеров, более вероятен. Если Роджер и Мирослава назовут мальчика Тайгером, то азартные игроки, поставившие на это, могут увеличить сумму сделанной ставки в 67 раз. При этом пока даже неизвестно, кто родится у Федерера и Вавринец - мальчик или девочка. Кстати, на это контора также принимает ставки с равным коэффициентом в 1,9.

Наиболее вероятный вариант мужского имени для сына Федерера, как предполагают букмекеры, является Роберт. Ставки на него принимаются по коэффициенту 6,00. Далее идут Роджер (коэффициент 9), Тим, Лука, Ноа (все - 12), Род (14), Дэвид, Леон и Даниэль (все - 16). Среди женских имен самый вероятный вариант - Мартина (коэффициент - 7). Кроме того, фигурируют такие имена, как Линетт, Диана, Анна, Алина, Мария, Мирослава, Нина, сообщает РИА «Новости».

Букмекеры решили не останавливаться на выборе имени и пошли дальше. Они сделали ставку с коэффициентом в 201, согласно которой к 2035 году ребенок Федерера должен выиграть Уимблдонский турнир во взрослом одиночном разряде.

«Если Федерер-младший будет хотя бы на половину так же хорош, как его отец, то мы обязательно раскрутим эту ставку», - сказал представитель букмекерской конторы.

click here

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link post  Posted: 28.03.09 00:34. Post subject: Бедный ребенок, он е..

Бедный ребенок, он еще на родился, а на него уже ставки делают Не хочу Рафаэля Федерера

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 28.03.09 00:41. Post subject: Марьяна Рафаэль Род..

Рафаэль Роджерович Федерер - звучит гордо!

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 28.03.09 00:43. Post subject: Может в честь Картер..

Может в честь Картера назовет,Питером? ,
хотя с фамилией не созвучно

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link post  Posted: 28.03.09 00:49. Post subject: Опа! А фанский-то пр..

Опа! А фанский-то приз опять ушёл к Роджеру. Вот вроде бы все резоны сейчас его Надалю получать, ан нет, опять не срослось.

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 28.03.09 00:52. Post subject: Алёна Угу,и не толь..

Угу,и не только фанский ,но и мастерский

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link post  Posted: 28.03.09 01:10. Post subject: flamet пишет: Вы эт..

flamet пишет:

Вы это читали? Плакать или смеяться?
Рафаэль Федерер! А почему бы и нет?

когда почитала статью просто обалдела
Мне вот интересно, как они придумывают эти имена??? вроде как пальцем в небо???

Я еще я не думаю, что если у Роджера будет сын, то он его назовет Рафаэлем .....

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 28.03.09 01:24. Post subject: Gloria это выглядит..

это выглядит ,как прикол

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link post  Posted: 30.03.09 00:44. Post subject: После матча с Киферо..

После матча с Кифером

R. FEDERER/N. Kiefer
6-4, 6-1
An interview with:
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Playing Taylor Dent. Are you surprised that he's back and everything that he's been through? He said that he remembers beating you in the juniors.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I remember that, too.
Q. You owe him now, right?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, look, I mean, I know -- I don't know if I should be surprised if he's back or not. Did he ever announce retirement?
Q. No, he was out. He was in a body cast and all that.
ROGER FEDERER: I don't know how bad it really was, but I assume it was pretty bad being out for that long. I mean, we know each other since a long time, but we never really hung out too much.
We were friendly, but we never played each other on tour, so we never really had that whole thing going.
So it's great to see him back, you know, playing. He was always a dangerous player, you know, on tour, because he was a aggressive, offensive and, you know, making you -- kind of make the match decide on a couple of passing shots here and there, you know.
It's going to be interesting for me to see how he plays. I actually never played him, so I can't compare before and after injury. I'm looking forward to a good match.
Q. What were the circumstances of your matchup? What do you remember about when you played him in the juniors?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, it was a leadup tournament to Wimbledon, a semifinals, agents all over the fence. And just excited to see both of us play.
I mean, he had the famous father, you know, so he came from tennis, a tennis background.
I think he already maybe was signed with IMG. I'm not sure. It was just a match that agents and people kind of wanted to see. I lost in three sets. It was a decent match. I think he was serve and volleying quite a bit. I remember a funny story. Actually, he had to play the Wimbledon first round I think the same time a his father played the seniors, you know.
Everybody was expecting he couldn't play because of that, because he was -- the father was a coach maybe at the time. I'm not sure, you know. So it was kind of a bit strange scheduling for him.
Anyway, I went on to win, but it was -- yeah, I'm not sure if he actually won Roehamton. Did he win it? I think he lost in the finals maybe. I'm not sure.
Q. At that time you were known for your temper. Did you have any kind of meltdown or anything in that match?
ROGER FEDERER: I don't remember, actually.
Q. He said he had a meltdown in that match.
ROGER FEDERER: Did he? He lost his cool? Good. (laughter.) I hope he does the same again.
No, no. I mean, I just remember it wasn't one of my greatest matches, but that isn't what I expected against him. The points were kept so short, anyway. We both had probably like five matches of grass court experience, you know. That's what we had in our body.
Q. Can you ever allow yourself a little bit of empathy when you play someone like that when they've come back from being off, they were in a body cast, or is that not even in your head?

ROGER FEDERER: It will come in -- I'm happy that the guy is back, and I'm happy he's playing well.
But I was more like that when I was coming up actually, thinking, you know, I've -- I don't know. I'm from Switzerland. I have a great life. Tennis is fun, but it's not everything. So if the guy is better, he deserves to win, you know. I had more of that mindset when I was coming up and about.
Today it's different. I just try to play well and hope that I win, you know. I don't think you carry that off into the locker room or any elsewhere. But of course I'm happy if he plays well and gets back into the top 50, but he doesn't necessarily need to beat me in the next match to do so. He has many other tournaments.
That's the way I see it. In tennis you get many opportunities. It's a big one for him, you know, when we play.
Q. You talked a little bit at Indian Wells about fatherhood, and a handful of men have won majors being a father, but not too many at the U.S. Open and Wimbledon where you've had the most success. Have your thoughts evolved on that at all since then? Mirka is such a big part of your team. She's going to be preoccupied. How do you think that might play out?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, well, I just think she'll drop all the stuff she's been doing so far and just become a mother, what she's always wanted to be. I don't think it's going to change a lot for what she has to do. She's been busy anyway before, so now she's busy in a different way.
She told me she still wants to travel as much as possible. We'll see how that turns out to be. We don't know yet. I'm sure we'll find good solutions. You know, we have, I mean, the financial background. You know, traveling, we can make it easy. Hotels, we can make it easy.
So that's great, you know. But at the same time, I think it's the mindset that's most important. I think we both are relaxed, we're both happy and excited, and I think that's why it's going to work out. I haven't actually had fears that I was not going to be able to play tennis after having a child, you know. That's never crossed my mind, to be honest.
Q. But tennis is a selfish endeavor. You have to focus on yourself. With a kid...
ROGER FEDERER: Well, on tennis, not on my -- I'll still take decisions that are best for my game, you know. I have had a team in the past, you know. There's just an added a member to the team. It's going to be all right.
Q. After this Miami tournament, you will be reaching the clay season. Will you be preparing a different way to perhaps have your first French Open?
ROGER FEDERER: This year? I don't know if I'm preparing any different. It's always pretty much the same schedule. I guess a different preparation were to be, you know, for instance, not to play Miami. You know, take more time off to get ready for the clay court season.
I was considering that this year. But then at the same time, I like this tournament. I've played well here in the past. I think, you know, by winning matches it's always most important. You know, confidence is a.
Big thing in our game. This year I'm planning to play, what is it, Madrid and Rome. I'll just practice, you know, a ton, because we haven't played on clay for, what is it, eight months maybe, nine months? So it's pretty tricky for everybody always.
Q. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. I have a question how a player goes from being dangerous in the draw to breaking through to the next level.
ROGER FEDERER: Consistency I think is most important. I think everybody who's young and up and coming is dangerous for the top players just because they're fearless, you know. That makes them really dangerous. Especially they usually like the big matches, you know, center court, you name it, you know. Night session against the top guys.
This is where it's most dangerous for us. That's why it's not always an advantage to be the top guy, you know, like I've been for so many years.
But he's, I think, a particularly good player when it matters most. I think with age you start to be able to motivate and to stay calm over a longer period of time, you know.
I remember when I was coming up I had great wins, you know. But reaching quarterfinals and semifinals stage I was already so exhausted from the pressure and from just being around pros

and playing them. With the emotions running through me, you know, I was done by the quarters or semifinals.
You learn how to, you know, save your energy and when to go crazy. You don't have to go crazy after every point. That's what I used to do. I either commentated every shot or I got happy after every shot. I lost a lot of energy like this when I was younger.
Q. When you go out to meet an opponent now, or prepare for one, you've won so much, for you, are you thinking, I really want to beat this guy. Is it the competition, or is it for you now about execution? I would like to do this with my game. Do you still feel that sort of hunger? I just want to beat this guy? Do you understand what I mean?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, I don't know. I mean, I just like to win, you know, so it doesn't matter who's in front of me. I just like the thrill of winning and playing good tennis.
I like to play great and win, no doubt. Like today, if, you know, I hit good shots and I end up winning the match, it's a great feeling. It's a better feeling than, you know, like pushing the ball into the court and hoping for the other guy to miss.
It's never really been my game, so I didn't have this problem. I like to go chase victory. You know, then if you win, you're happy; if you lose, it's something very normal in tennis. You know, you can't have them all. But you've got to give it your best shot, and that's what I try to do by preparing in the best possible way.
And, you know, playing in front of the fans, I think that's exhilarating, for me anyway, especially now that I have so many great fans around the world.
Q. You talked about your preparations for Paris. When you've won Australia, it seems like there has been a lot more conversation about that because of the Grand Slam and, you know, you've been so close the last few years. Is it fair to say that you've sort of compartmentalized Paris a little bit more this year? You've put it away more in the background than you have maybe in the last few years?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, you mean...
Q. Just in terms of not thinking about it before? You really need to think about it?
ROGER FEDERER: No, I've pushed it for after Miami, you know. I've always prepared since December, and February usually I always start preparing already for the big occasions, and that includes Paris, of course, as well.
So it's in the back of my mind, you know, but it's never there, really, like, I'm -- as long as I'm on a different surface, there's not much thought to it, you know.
This year was just easy because I haven't played from Australia until Indian Wells, and that was six weeks of not having to do press, not having to answer any questions about Paris.
Then when I got to Indian Wells and Miami, there was talk about the baby, talk about Darren Cahill, talk about me being back, and not talk about Paris. Maybe that's why you think, you know, I haven't been thinking about it.
But I always have the same mindset, you know, regardless of where I am in the season. The moment I hit clay, that is a different story.

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link post  Posted: 30.03.09 20:18. Post subject: Sampras the armchair..

Sampras the armchair Federer critic

I've been thinking about Pete Sampras since the Australian Open. With all of the could-have-been talk about Federer tying the Grand Slam record, I suppose it was only natural. Sampras and his 14 Grand Slam titles have cut a wide legacy swath, but up until 2008 it was assumed that Federer would have no problem breaking the record – SHATTERING the record, I should say. This is no longer a foregone conclusion, but my entry this week is NOT about Federer's likelihood in collecting 2 more Slam trophies. Personally, I think he WILL eventually break the record, but that's neither here nor there. Frankly, Sampras' pearls of wisdom for The Federer are WAY more interesting than his titles – at least to me they are.

I really wanted to name this article "Federer should tell Sampras to put up or shut up", but I thought that might be a bit on the rude side, so I went with the more diplomatic approach. The following quotes might, at first glance, seem just uncomplimentary towards Nadal. Okay. They don't just "seem" uncomplimentary, they are downright insulting – but there is nothing new about that. However, it occurred to me a few days ago, when I heard what Petey had to say about the Australian Open this year, that he wasn't just insulting Nadal – he's insulting FEDERER too.

Consider this statement, which Sampras made in 2006 after Nadal made his first Wimbledon final. "I mean, great a player as Nadal is, you put a really good serve-and-volleyer against him and you have got to feel pretty good about it." He went on to say that he was sure he could have come out of retirement to beat Nadal. "With a lot of hard work", he added. Now at the time, the statement was clearly made to show disdain for the men's field at the time and for the fact that a lowly dirt-baller like Nadal would dare to sully final Sunday with his presence.

And again the FOLLOWING year at Wimbledon (are you sensing a pattern here yet?) – "I have a hard time watching how these guys play today. It's just amazing that everyone stays back and hits with so much spin. When you put spin on the ball on grass, it doesn't really do anything." He doesn't mention Nadal's name, but you get the picture. But what really made me sit up and take notice were his comments after the Australian Open.

Understand that Pete Sampras LIKES Roger Federer. He says all kinds of worshipful things about the Swiss maestro. In fact, he once stated that he thought Federer would win 19 Slam titles. NINETEEN! He has complimented Federer's game almost ad nauseum in practically every post-retirement interview he's given. Despite all of this, he apparently still thinks Roger is an idiot. "Come into net", advised Sampras the sage, when asked about Federer's loss to Nadal in Melbourne. Really Pete? I mean, REALLY? If only Roger had known that before he lost 13 matches to the dirt-baller! Oh wait. He's already tried that tactic. In Monte Carlo last year. And at Roland Garros last year. Remember what the outcomes of those matches were? Yep - straight set victories for Nadal.

To be fair, Sampras is not the only retired legend to offer advice to Federer about Nadal. Bjorn Borg advised him to be patient, stay back and pick his spots – a bit of advice offered prior to the French Open final last year. Mats Wilander, who commentates now, has suggested that it is a lack of…er…well, there's just no delicate way to put it. He says that Federer simply needs to grow a proper pair of testicles to beat the Spaniard.

The funny thing is that I can't remember Sampras ever playing a match against Nadal. Nor Wilander. Nor Borg. What I DO remember is Federer once inviting the host of people who thought they had "the answer" to pick up a racket and try it for themselves. PLEASE, Pete. Come out of retirement so you can show Roger how it's done. Surely Nadal wouldn't stand a chance. Surely.

Roger Federer is NOT AN IDIOT. I'd like to repeat that. ROGER FEDERER IS NOT AN IDIOT! I have personally watched him attempt a wide range of tactics against Nadal. He has already tried it all. And so I go back to my original suggestion. Put up or shut up, Pete. Grab your racket and put your tennis ball where your mouth is or else keep your advice to yourself. I think Federer has earned that much courtesy.
click here

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 09:19. Post subject: Жестко автор говорит..

Жестко автор говорит

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link post  Posted: 01.04.09 21:14. Post subject: R. FEDERER/T. Dent 6..

6-3, 6-2
An interview with:
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Was that fifth game one of the more interesting of your career?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I don't know how many times it happened that I had to save so many breakpoints over and over again after already saving it. So it was definitely a big game for me, you know, to stay ahead.
I was serving against the wind, so I was struggling with my first serve there a bit. He did well to keep coming at me and creating opportunities for himself. I thought he played really well, and he made it difficult for me today.

Q. Talk about the difference of playing his style. He has kind of a different style of play. What's that like to be across the court from him?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I like playing that kind of style. It reminds how -- me when I came on tour, this is how many guys were playing, even myself. You know, coming to the net, forcing the issue, keeping the points short.
I think that's been a big change because of the strings, the way we're able to cover the court now and hit through the ball and still keep the ball in play.
Before we were all playing with natural gut, and by having that it was just hard to control the ball. You didn't want to rally forever. We used to break a lot of strings.
It was so different today. It was really a lot of fun playing against Taylor today. I think he was playing well. Like I said, I had to come up with some good passing shots to be able to make a difference.
He might have got a bit tired towards the end, but I still think it was a great effort from his side to win that many matches here.

Q. When you see the pressure he puts on you and how he wins points at the net and also inducing errors, does that make you reconsider how often you want to come in, do you think?
ROGER FEDERER: You think it should make me want to come in more? Honestly, I'm so used to this kind of play that I don't feel pressure when a guy is coming into the net, even when I'm missing some shots.
It's maybe a touch uncomfortable, but I've played so many guys playing like that, Henman and Mirnyi and all these guys, and Pete. You name it. This is how I grew up. This is normally how points are being played.
Today it's different. You rally and you only come to the net when you have a forehand that's like right here and maybe an overhead. If you're lucky, you get it back.
I like the sense of having to hit a passing shot. That's why I don't think, even though how great he does it, he's not going to make me chip and charge and serve and volley a whole a lot more.

Q. Sort of like Back to Future or something like that?

Q. Next match will be against Andy Roddick. You have played against him many times. What do you expect this time?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, rematch of last year, isn't it? Quarterfinal match. Look, I love playing against him. We've had some big matches over the years, US Open, Wimbledon.
So, yeah, I don't know. It's going to be for sure a fun match to play against him. I played him at the Australian Open and played well against him there. He's seems like he's changed a couple of thing in his game, so should be a good match, I'm sure.

Q. Have you got a chance to see any of Andy's games? Obviously you played him earlier this year. Do you think it's benefitting his playing style? Is he playing better because of how he's changed his game? More competitive?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, look, he's only changed a few things. I don't think we're seeing a different Andy Roddick. It's just a bit of shot placement that seems different. He's tried many things over the years: to play aggressive and to play really defensive. Remember when he was really far back on the returns?
In the beginning of the career, every forehand he had was just going outright winners. He's always been dangerous. It never really changed, you know, from this aspect just because he's got that massive serve.
I think you just don't break it that easily, no matter how he plays from the baseline. That's why Andy Roddick is one of those guys who can really try out a few things from the baseline.
But he seems like he's playing quite safe at the moment. It's paying off. He's played well at the beginning of the season. But I'm happy I already played him this season so I get a sense of how he's playing.

Q. On the subject him having changed his game over the years, do you think you'll have to change your game as the years advance and you get more challengers and more tough players?
ROGER FEDERER: I've adjusted too over the years. I had to. I used to chip and charge and serve and volley when I was not feeling well from the baseline. I used to serve and volley against Nalbandian, against Agassi, a against the greats, you know, of the returning passing shots.
You know, I almost came close. And Hewitt as well. Until I realized I had to get my baseline game into great shape. Once I got that going, the whole thing followed. My mental strength got so much better. My the footwork was incredible. That then allowed me to have so many more options.
It's just now a matter for me of when do I play aggressive and when do I let the other guy play and make mistakes, as well. Right now I feel I found again the right tactics against the right players, you know.
All I needed was a few matches, and I got those in Indian Wells. I feel like I'm playing well, and I'm excited about what's to come.

Q. Obviously for years you were the hunted, No. 1. Do you enjoy the hunting, being on the opposite side of that? Does it entail a change of mind or attitude in any way?
ROGER FEDERER: Umm, not a whole a lot. You know, I mean, I had more of an issue with myself, you know, getting myself back in shape for the last year. That's been my problem, not really Rafa or Andy or Djokovic, or you name it. Those comes naturally if I play well that I can beat these guys.
So for me, it was a matter of getting back in shape. I feel like I'm about to turn the corner. Mentally I'm really fresh again after taking a rest in December and February. So I feel like I'm getting better, whereas I couldn't concentrate that much on tennis. It was more about getting actually back in shape.

Q. When you've had so much success against one player like Andy Roddick, does it give you the confidence that when you're in a tight game that you have what it takes to beat that player? You have a mental edge?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, it helps having a great record. Then again, you saw last year. Doesn't really help you that much sometimes. I think on the big occasions I just have that extra gear that not many players have.
So I feel like that's an advantage, because of my talent, because of my experience. But in a match, best-of-three, you know, against a guy like Andy, it's all to play for really.
He's always been dangerous. I've always respected him a huge amount. You know, I like watching the guys and I also like playing the guy. It's going to be a fun match, I'm sure.
But I don't feel like now at deuce at 5-All in the second that I have an advantage over him just because I've beaten him. That's not the case. You always have to create it for yourself again, over and over again.

Q. At this stage in your career, what do you consider to be more important to you: being No. 1 in the world again or accumulating as many Grand Slams as possible?
ROGER FEDERER: Goes hand in hand, doesn't it? I guess it's slams right now, because I'm that close with Pete's record. I know if I win a Slam, a No. 1 ranking will follow.

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link post  Posted: 03.04.09 18:16. Post subject: Interview with Nick ..

Interview with Nick Bollettieri

Blick: Why is it so difficult for Federer to win against Nadal and Murray?

Nick Bollettieri: Nadal’s forehand is extremely toxic, with that high jumping bounce and left-handed spin. In addition, he’s vastly improved his serve.

Blick: And Murray?

Nick Bollettieri:Murray covers the court great, and always plays the balls deep, but not necessarily fast. Thus, he puts all the pressure on his opponent.

Blick: What does Roger Federer have to do against the two to win?

Nick Bollettieri:Against Murray, he needs his most brilliant strokes to actually win. It rests more with him than in Murray’s strengths. He must put Nadal under pressure by taking the ball early and forcing the Spaniard into risky passing shots. Playing from the baseline, Roger will lose 7 of 10 games against Nadal.

Blick: Would you want to coach Federer?

Nick Bollettieri:No, but I could give him a few helpful tips. I would never mess around with Roger’s technique. It’s not a matter of playing the forehand this way or that. It’s a question of the head. I’d remind him how damn good he is. Roger must get back to that place and be certain: I’m the winner.

Blick: Is that enough?

Nick Bollettieri:Before, no one wanted to be in Roger’s half of the draw. This fear from his opponents gave him a decisive advantage. He must work to get that again.

Blick: Does he also need a coach?

Nick Bollettieri:Roger is the best tennis player who has ever played. He doesn’t need a coach who tells him how he should play. But maybe he needs somebody who kicks him in the ass and says to him: Hey, you’re the best, you will win!

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link post  Posted: 03.04.09 23:29. Post subject: Miami - Roger Federe..

Miami - Roger Federer is feeling the natural frustration of a tennis hero whose last title came just shy of six months ago. The usually solid Swiss smashed his racket at a moment of third-set tension as he went down to a 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 semi-final loss to Novak Djokovic at the Miami Masters. He last lifted a trophy at his home Swiss Open in Basel on October 20.

Federer, who lost his Australian Open trophy to Rafael Nadal this season, is feeling his former dominance slip.

"There's not a lot of pressure on me," said the 13-time Grand Slam champion who also stands one title away from levelling on the all-time best of Pete Sampras. "I haven't been winning twenty tournaments in a row, so nobody expects me to win really.
"It's been a tough last year or so, especially in the hardcourts. My game never really clicked except for the US Open where I thought I played great."
Federer has battled various setbacks including a case of 2008 glandular fever and a recurring back problem, which he tried to cure with rest after Melbourne.

"I think when I was finding my form again, the back problem hit me. It was unfortunate, you know, but thank God the hardcourt season is over," said the winner of 49 hardcourt matches in one of his glory years, 2006.

Federer, who has lost the last three French Open finals to Nadal, is scheduled to play on clay only in Rome and Madrid before Roland Garros, with his opening date on the surface nearly a full month away in last April in the Eternal City.

"I'm moving over to clay, a new chapter," said the Swiss.

But amid his despair of his game, Federer still was able to defend his unusual racket smash.

"I didn't lose it (his temper), I was just frustrated. Just because I smashed the racket doesn't mean I lost it. It didn't feel great but it's just a natural thing I did."

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link post  Posted: 03.04.09 23:49. Post subject: N. DJOKOVIC/R. Feder..

N. DJOKOVIC/R. Federer
3-6, 6-2, 6-3
An interview with:
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Obviously quite frustrated. It was 2-3 in the second seat set, about five breakpoints. You held at 4-2, and then after that it seemed like the wheels came off. Couldn't keep the forehand on the court? Any explanation? Wind? Focus?
ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, I definitely struggled with my timing after that, so it was a tough finish for me, you know. I thought I was playing okay in the first set, but it was always going to be tough in the wind.
I already felt it in the warm up. It was coming across the court. Yeah, I struggled heavily today. It was tough.

Q. When fired your racquet into the court, did that feel good?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really. Not really.

Q. Do you remember the last time you broke a racquet, Roger?
ROGER FEDERER: Could have been here against Rafa.

Q. It was here?
ROGER FEDERER: Maybe. I don't know.

Q. It's obviously very tough for you to come in so soon after a defeat like that. The emotions are obviously very strained. Is it getting tough to just appreciate the matches like this sort of drifting away? We watch them and we can't believe sometimes. I suppose it's even more difficult for you.
ROGER FEDERER: You kind of try hard and then it's just not working. Today it is different just because there's so much wind, as well. Once you start feeling bad, it's kind of tough to regroup, you know.
On top of that, it made it more difficult as well from the one end because you had the sun in your eyes. It was really tough on the ball toss, you know. Between 1:30 and 2:30 it's really tough.
But, I mean, it's the same thing for both players. Once one guy gets the upper hand, the other guy is a bit uncertain. It's tough, but he struggled bigtime in the first set.
So, you know, I finished worse than him. He played so bad in the first set, I had a great effort by finishing even worse than him. It was good.

Q. Do you feel like he managed the win better than you did?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I guess so. The result shows it, yeah.

Q. Did you find yourself sort of pressing because of that and going for shots that you might have waited a little bit longer on?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really. Just trying to keep the ball in the court. So it's not like I was chasing the lines too much.

Q. How much pressure are you feeling out there?
ROGER FEDERER: Not a whole a lot. I haven't been winning twenty tournaments in a row, so nobody expects me to win really.
No, look, it's been a tough last year or so, especially in the hardcourts. My game never really clicked, you know, except for the Open where I thought I played great.
I think when I was finding my form again, you know, it hit me with the back problem. It was unfortunate, you know, but thank God the hardcourt season is over.

Q. How do you evaluate your play in the first part of the hardcourt season?
ROGER FEDERER: It's the end. It's the end of the hard court season. I don't care anymore. I'm moving over to clay, a new chapter.

Q. On the clay, you are only entered into two events prior to Roland Garros?
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, it's going to stay that way.

Q. Sorry?
ROGER FEDERER: What's the question?

Q. Is that set in stone, or might you change that?
ROGER FEDERER: Nothing is set in stone. You never know. I don't know.

Q. Did you feel like he almost let you back in at 4-Love where he double faulted twice? Did you feel there was a little opening there?
ROGER FEDERER: It was tough to hold serve, and, you know, the wind was swirling. From the one end when you didn't have the sun in your eye, you were playing against the wind, so you always actually had sort of a chance to break.
So I knew I wasn't out of it, but I should have held to go 3-1, I think. Maybe. In the third set, I had a game point there. I think I could have actually almost smashed it, but didn't read it quick enough and ended up losing the point there.
I think that was my biggest opportunity I had.

Q. You've had other matches where things aren't going as well and you don't get as upset about that particular moment. What was different about today that you just lost it there for that moment?
ROGER FEDERER: I didn't lose it. I was just frustrated. Just because I smashed the racquet doesn't mean I lose it. Didn't feel great. Didn't feel -- it's just a natural thing I did.

Q. Do you feel you can overcome the problems you have at the moment, or you feel that you may need some help from a coach or from somebody else?
ROGER FEDERER: I've had like five coaches in the last two years.

Q. Did you feel like the crowd got behind you after you smashed the racquet?
ROGER FEDERER: That was great. Great, they got behind me after smashing the racquet.

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link post  Posted: 04.04.09 14:25. Post subject: It's Not About t..

Музыки в игре так мало,
Она хнычет, она устала.
Она между веков застряла -
И никак...
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link post  Posted: 04.04.09 17:15. Post subject: сорри, что картинки,..

сорри, что картинки, но им место в прессе... да?
это SI и Tennis.com...
[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]

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link post  Posted: 04.04.09 19:15. Post subject: Ich würde -Fed..

Ich würde Federer sagen, wie verdammt gut er ist
Interview: Marcel Hauck | 00:29 | 03.04.2009

Nick Bollettieri (77), der grosse alte Mann der Tenniscoaches, sieht Roger Federers Probleme gegen Rafa Nadal und Andy Murray vor allem im Kopf.

Blick: Warum ist es für -Federer so schwierig, gegen Nadal und Murray zu gewinnen?
Nick Bollettieri: Nadals Vorhand ist extrem giftig, mit dem hohen Absprung und dem Linkshänder-Drall. Ausserdem hat er seinen Aufschlag gewaltig -verbessert.

Und Murray?
Murray deckt den Court hervorragend ab, spielt die Bälle immer lang, aber nicht unbedingt schnell. So muss der Gegner den Druck selber machen.

Was muss Roger Federer tun, um gegen die beiden zu gewinnen?

Gegen Murray müsste er mit -seinen glänzenden Schlägen -eigentlich meistens gewinnen. Es liegt mehr an ihm als an der Stärke Murrays. Nadal muss er unter Druck setzen, die Bälle früh nehmen und den Spanier zu riskanten Passierbällen zwingen. Von der Grundlinie aus wird -Roger 7 von 10 Spielen gegen Nadal verlieren.

Würden Sie Federer coachen wollen?

Nein, aber ich könnte ihm ein paar hilfreiche Tipps geben. Ich würde niemals an Rogers Technik herumbasteln. Es geht nicht darum, die Vorhand so oder -anders zu spielen. Es ist eine -Frage des Kopfes. Ich würde -Roger sagen, wie verdammt gut er ist. Roger muss wieder auf den Platz gehen und sicher sein, ich bin der Sieger.

Reicht das?
Früher wollte niemand in der -Tableau-Hälfte von Roger sein. Diese Angst der Gegner gab ihm bereits einen entscheidenden Vorteil. Den muss er sich wieder erarbeiten.

Braucht er dazu einen Coach?
Roger ist der Beste, der je Tennis gespielt hat. Er braucht keinen Coach, der ihm sagt, wie er spielen muss. Aber vielleicht braucht er jemanden, der ihm in den Hintern tritt und ihm sagt: Hey, du bist der Beste, du wirst gewinnen!


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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 04.04.09 20:12. Post subject: Да,советы все дают,а..

Да,советы все дают,а помочь некому

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link post  Posted: 04.04.09 23:08. Post subject: таки отбоя от советч..

таки отбоя от советчиков нет. эту цитату из Макинроу приводит спортс.ру со ссылкой на М&C (?), но первоисточника я так и не нашла.

«Мне бы хотелось помочь Роджеру. Ему надо изменить стратегию, если он хочет обыгрывать Надаля, и у меня есть идеи на этот счет.

Я не вижу себя в качестве постоянного тренера, сопровождающего игрока на протяжении всего сезона, мне было бы интересно помогать ему время от времени, в трудных ситуациях.

меня лично любой знающий человек устроит, лишь бы смог в нужный момент эффективно (т.е. с пользой для Роджера, так чтобы он мог думать, что сам принял именно такое решение) пнуть под задницу.

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link post  Posted: 04.04.09 23:21. Post subject: ааа, вот оно http://..

ааа, вот оно
McEnroe offers to help struggling Federer
Sat Apr 4, 2009 10:54am EDT

PARIS (Reuters) - Former great John McEnroe has offered to help Roger Federer rediscover his form after the Swiss suffered a series of uncharacteristic defeats this year.

Since the start of the season, Federer has failed to win a tournament or beat any of his rivals ranked in the world's top four.

After the world number two's latest loss to Serbia's Novak Djokovic on Friday, when he was knocked out of the Sony Ericsson Open in the semi-finals, McEnroe said he was willing to lend a helping hand.

"I would really like to help Roger. Especially as he needs to change his strategy if he wants to beat Nadal. And I have an idea about that," the American was quoted as saying in the French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche on Saturday.

"I can't see myself accompanying a player all year long but it could be really interesting to help out from time to time."

Federer has failed to beat his greatest rival Rafael Nadal for almost 18 months and has emerged second best in their last five meetings, including five-set final thrillers at last July's Wimbledon and at the Australian Open in February.

McEnroe said the Spaniard could cause Federer, who is one shy of Pete Sampras's all time grand slam title record of 14, even more problems in the future.

"I think (Federer) will beat Pete Sampras's record of 14 grand slam wins. But it will not be easy at all for him to become world number one again," McEnroe, a former world number one himself, said.

"Even though Roger is a fantastic player, I think that Nadal will play at a higher level this year than last year provided he stays in a good shape. It could be hard for Roger to keep up."

(Writing by Bertrand Boucey; editing by Pritha Sarkar; To query or comment on this story email sportsfeedback@thomsonreuters.com)

© Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved

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link post  Posted: 04.04.09 23:48. Post subject: irina хм, интересно..

хм, интересно!
Роджу сейчас очень помощь нужна, может что-нить интересное и выйдет

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link post  Posted: 05.04.09 15:24. Post subject: вот, оказывается, ко..

вот, оказывается, кому Мак это на самом деле сказал:

John McEnroe, speaking to French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche: "I would really like to help Roger. Especially as he needs to change his strategy if he wants to beat Nadal. And I have an idea about that."


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link post  Posted: 06.04.09 08:26. Post subject: Да, ракетка теперь в..

Да, ракетка теперь везде, как и говорил один известный форумчанин.
Макинрой высказывается... Если и он уже начал помощь предлагать, то все совсем серьезно.

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link post  Posted: 06.04.09 08:28. Post subject: да ладно, мы пошнико..

да ладно, мы пошников-то не боимся

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link post  Posted: 06.04.09 14:44. Post subject: Еще наткнулась. Who ..

Еще наткнулась.

Who are you and what have you done with Roger Federer

We each have expectations; we form them all the time, even if we don't want to admit it. I expect that when I turn on CNN, I'm going to see the news. I expect that when I run out of milk, I can go to the grocery store and get more. I assume these things because my past experience has taught me to assume them. And if, for example, I were to turn on CNN and find that they were broadcasting an episode of Seinfeld, I would be quite surprised - not because watching Seinfeld is shocking, but because CNN would be an unexpected source for it.

Look. Players break rackets all the time. I'm not applauding the practice - obviously it's wasteful to break an expensive piece of equipment. But it's also understandable. So much time, effort and heart goes into the game for players that I can hardly blame them for getting mad over a bad error. But Federer snapping a racket in half because he missed a forehand is... well... let's say he's an unexpected source.

I've already been accused of holding Roger up to a higher standard than his fellow players, and that was before I wrote this entry. "He's human!" goes the battle cry. And "He has feelings like everyone else." He is. And he does. I've never contended differently. I'm not disappointed in him, nor do I think he should be raked over the coals because he lost control for a moment. But I am perplexed, a little surprised and I can't help but speculate on the changes we've seen in him lately.

Federer has played in exactly 4 tournaments this year and we have seen him sob uncontrollably at one and lose his cool on court in another. It seems to me that the legendary Federer composure is starting to... I don't know. Crumble? Fade? I'm sure you've already heard about his presser after Friday's loss. I can think of no other word to describe him other than miserable. Yes. I know he'd just lost a match. Yes, I'd probably be mad too. But this went beyond the normal disappointment of losing and straight to rude, surly and... well... miserable.

So miserable in fact, that he is glad to see the end of the hard court season so he can move on to clay. The best hard court player the sport has ever seen is glad to be moving on to clay, where his arch-rival is at his very best. Um... OK. Bizzaro Tennis World it is.
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link post  Posted: 07.04.09 22:13. Post subject: §І§а§Х§Ш§Ц§в §Т§е§Х§..

Роджер будет играть на выставке, которая пройдет с 20 по 22 мая судя по составу, это будет что-то типа генеральной репетиции перед стартом РГ

Murray au Masters Guinot
Andy Murray a confirmЁ¦ sa participation au Masters Guinot Mary Cohr qui sera organisЁ¦ du 20 au 22 mai prochain au Paris Golf et Country Club sur la terre battue de Rueil-Malmaison.

L'Ecossais dЁ¦fiera notamment Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Gael Monfils, David Nalbandian qui ont aussi confirmЁ¦ leur prЁ¦sence sur ce tournoi d'exhibition organisЁ¦ une semaine avant Roland-Garros.

Marat Safin, James Blake, Tommy Haas, Stanislas Wawrinka, Julien Benneteau et Arnaud ClЁ¦ment seront aussi de la partie pour cet Ё¦vЁ¦nement spЁ¦cial sur terre battue.

PROGRAMME : Mercredi 20, jeudi 21 et vendredi 22 mai, deux matches par jouer Ё¤ partir de 13h30.

click here

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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 06:17. Post subject: Federer's state ..

Federer's state of grace has come to an end
TOM TEBBUTT From Monday's Globe and Mail
April 5, 2009 at 6:51 PM EDT

To paraphrase Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Roger Federer has nothing to fear but fear itself.

With the latest of his mid-match collapses, a 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 loss to Novak Djokovic in the Sony Ericsson Open semi-finals near Miami last Friday, the tennis world is again abuzz with speculation about the erstwhile indomitable Swiss. It follows similar uncharacteristic displays earlier this year — in the final sets of defeats to Rafael Nadal at the Australian Open and Andy Murray at the BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells, Calif.

His frustration with his erratic ball-striking against Djokovic, especially on his vaunted forehand side, finally boiled over when he smashed his racquet, trailing 0-2 in the final set.

Le Matin, a Swiss newspaper, wrote his play made him "completely unrecognizable," while a fan posted a complaint on the Internet about his form being "just plain shambolic/atrocious/ horrible/unfreakingbelievable/ridiculous/ mind-boggling/underwhelming tennis at its height."

The usually-placid Federer's mangling of the racquet was actually a good sign, a cathartic venting of his inner feelings.

He played better after the blow-up, which was initially greeted by boos that had changed to cheers of encouragement by the time he walked back onto the court with a new frame.

To his credit, even at 0-4, a time when many players would just bash as many balls as possible into the back screen to get off the court quickly, he battled on and won three games.

Maybe the essence of Federer's dilemma is that never has a player soared so high — from 2004 to 2007, he was 315-24 and won 11 of the 12 Grand Slams not played on clay (French Open). And there are no flight plans for soft landings from such ethereal heights.

Listening to his media conferences, in his own mind he attributes his decline in 2008 (after 237 weeks at No.ѓ|1) to mononucleosis during the first part of the year, to a shorter break after Wimbledon in the summer (just two weeks because of the Olympics) and to a back ailment in the fall, which has lingered to some extent into 2009.

It is only natural that it is hard for him to recognize his almost surreal state of grace has come to an end. Whether it is because he has slipped a notch, or others have improved, is not relevant.

What is important is he come to grips, maybe during his three weeks off, with the new reality and reinvent himself as someone who is in the mix but no longer above the fray.

Formerly, in his toughest matches, he would hit a few clunker shots but always rebound and regain his sublime level. Now, he compounds them with what seem to be uncontrollable flurries of unforced errors.

The world No. 2 is still capable of playing at or near his former level, as he has shown at times in the losses to No. 1 Nadal, No. 4 Murray and No. 3 Djokovic. The problem seems to be some adverse reaction, a mental block that takes over his nervous system and feeds on itself.

As mystified as he may be, he must accept he is no longer eerily better than the competition, and try to play more relaxed and not constantly beat up on himself.

Also, the tears after these losses, which famously flowed at the Australian Open and were also in evidence last week, have to stop.

He needs someone, such as a coach whom he respects, to shake some sense into him and emphasize what is happening is not cataclysmic. The great Pete Sampras went 26 months and 33 events without a title from 2000 to 2002. Federer has gone a mere five months and five tournaments without success.

Exactly 10 years younger than Sampras, Federer has always worked harder than him at staying fit and should have a few more years left to add to his 13 Grand Slams titles and surpass Sampras's record of 14. But he needs to find a rekindled joy and freedom in playing, and combine it with an attitude that reconciles his less dominant status today with his glory days.

After his unexpected loss to Djokovic in the 2008 Australian Open semi-finals, he dramatically declared he had "created a monster."

Now, he must beware he isn't devoured by that monster.


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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 06:21. Post subject: просто пост louisand..

просто пост

I am a long time lurker at RF.com and can I first say how much I appreciate and enjoy all the regular posters - krist, alicat65, wcr, rickyroger, norah and andrew burton, to name just a few. I've been watching tennis for over 40 years. I can even remember watching Rod Laver in grainy black and white. I played a little as a child but zero hand-eye co-ordination and zero athletic ability do not a tennis player make, so it was watching for me.

Of all the players I've seen only Roger and John MacEnroe have had 'magic' rackets. Much as I loved watching JM play, his bratty, attention seeking personality ..... I don't need to say more except that if Roger even considered him as a coach he should be taken off to a discreet institution in the Swiss Alps for a while.

Because I'm not a serious player I'm going to leave the technical comments to others who are better qualified, though it is obvious that Roger has some wrinkles at the moment. What Roger appears to be showing most of all at the moment is extreme stress - shell-shock, battle fatigue, burn-out, call it what you will. Irritability, volatile emotions, uncertainty, lack of self-confidence (see reports from Swiss press / Heinz Gunthardt in news thread - Roger is clearly not hiding how he feels from his own press), confusion, repeated inability to perform in a previously 'normal' situation, exhaustion (see end of Roddick match) - they are all classic symptoms which in 'real' life would mean sympathy and time away from work. At the moment the press is admirably performing the role of the First World War army and executing Roger for cowardice ... as are a few fans. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Roger was absolutely furious with himself for smashing the racket just because it would give every Neil, Charlie and smart ass in the press room more ammunition to shoot him with. The only good thing to be said for it was that it jolted him out of his introspective funk and he got some good games on the board.

To quote JMac, Roger has put together the four greatest years in the Open era. Andre Agassi said that Rafa was writing cheques his body eventually wouldn't be able to cash - nobody was noticing - even Roger - that he was doing the same to his mind and body. No matter how insanely gifted you are you simply cannot expect to keep putting out the physical, mental and emotional effort that it takes to win all those matches and fulfill all those expectations from fans, tournament directors, sponsors, media, ones country and oneself, especially if you are as rightfully proud and responsible as Roger. Eventually ones mind and body say I can't do this every time you ask me any more. I am sure this started happening to Roger at the end of 2006. How many of us wake up in the night screaming for no apparent reason?

On top of that Roger is now coping with the idea of fatherhood. I am sure he and Mirka are totally thrilled, but theirs is a 'two hearts that beat as one' relationship and maybe Roger hasn't acknowledged it yet, but the prospect of not having her with him all the time must be a very daunting one.

The reason that I've put this post in the 'coach' thread is because I think Roger badly needs 'wise counsel' (Darren Cahill does not fit this bill - Yoda, he ain't). It doesn't have to be a coach in the conventional sense but I think it has to be someone who is not in his inner circle, not because I think he's an arrogant so and so surrounded by yes men, but because it is so much easier to listen to advice and gain persepective when there is less emotion in the mix and the source is qualified and respected.

Tom Tebbutt in his piece in the Globe and Mail could not have summed up more perfectly where Roger is. Someone ought to put it in front of Roger and make him read it until he understands it - just as Roger will have to say to his son or daughter, 'eat your creamed spinach, it's good for you'. Roger has got to realise that his quest for perfection must be re-calibrated otherwise it will make it harder and harder to achieve his final dreams in tennis. I would be very surprised if he can work out how to re-calibrate without a Yoda. I know Pete Bodo is not popular round here and I can't deny that I don't think he 'likes' Roger as a person, but he really knows tennis and admires Roger's achievements very much. He wrote a piece called The Third Stage of Greatness. He also knows where Roger is now. Roger is not less great, but nothing and no-one can defy the passage of time - stuff happens as we get older. It can't be, doesn't need to be and shouldn't be the same as it was. Will he be less loved by the fans, less talented, less respected by his peers, less of a Swiss icon and, most important, less likely to achieve his goals - of course not.

OK, off to search the galaxies now...

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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 11:05. Post subject: соотечественники сов..

соотечественники совсем не так дружелюбны к Роджеру, как совсем недавно,
и как он вообще-то давно этого заслужил. Уже называют его Феди.... И рассуждают
о том, когда же Марри украдет (так написано) у него второе место в рейтинге.
1. Надаль доминирует как раньше Роджер.
2. Марри - беспримерный прогресс во всем.
3. Роджер - проигрывает пока только топ-4, зато регулярно. о первом месте не может
быть и речи, посмотрим на ближайших турнирах, будет ли и дальше скатываться
вниз или вернется.
4. Роддик - очень большой прогресс в последнее время, но проблемы как у Федерера:
турнир выиграть не может.
5. Джокович - его теснит Марри.

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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 11:50. Post subject: соотечественники сов..

соотечественники совсем не так дружелюбны к Роджеру, как совсем недавно

Что там всплывает по весне?
Проверка на вшивость.

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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 13:18. Post subject: irina Ну и что?) Бю..

Ну и что?)
Бюста на родине героя мы так и так не дождемся, свиссы и в лучшие его годы держали нейтралитет, а теперь, когда на первый-второй рассчитайсь - и тем более..) телик смотрят, газеты читают..)
я бы не стала делать каких-то глобальных выводов из бликовских публикаций, журналюгам тоже детей кормить надо, ну а что еще в Свиссии так продается, как Федерер?

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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 15:23. Post subject: галка ах, Галя, им ..

ах, Галя, им есть что продавать. они действительно давно и прочно богаты на все подряд.
тем не менее, неблагодарность симпатии не вызывает . так и хочется пнуть как следует.
думают, если коровой отдарились, так уже на все право имеют??

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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 16:03. Post subject: irina Federer is be..

Federer is better than chocolate (c))

личку глянь)
страсть как хочу в автоподпись последние две строчки этого анекдота

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link post  Posted: 08.04.09 18:40. Post subject: галка а возьми, чег..

а возьми, чего нет? а на аглицком и вовсе без проблем пойдет

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link post  Posted: 10.04.09 09:17. Post subject: From the New York ..

From the New York Times
Federer Struggles With His Altered World
Published: April 9, 2009

One of the best and cruelest aspects of tennis is that there is nowhere to hide. You might be an all-time great, even the all-time great, and yet you are only as effective as the forehands, backhands and decisions you are making on any given day.

Soccer and rugby stars in a funk or in decline can rely on teammates. Golfers, unless they are Tiger Woods, aren’t expected to win or even shine every week. Stars in judged sports can lean on the judges’ memories and inclinations.

A tennis star like Roger Federer stands exposed — in all his brilliance or all his disarray — in every match. And while it might take a while to know that a seminal athlete in another sport is vulnerable, tennis provides an abundance of evidence in a hurry.

It is piling high for Federer as he continues to devolve from a ruthless closer with a killer forehand into an edgy mortal with performance anxiety. He has won one tournament since the U.S. Open last year and has not won an event in four attempts so far this year, with the clay-court season — never part of his kingdom — now under way.

So far, the studied Swiss with the acquired cool has not left us guessing how much it hurts. There were the uncontrollable tears in defeat at the Australian Open, where he faded in the fifth set against nemesis-in-chief Rafael Nadal. There was the racket smashing in Miami last week early in the third set of his error-strewn semifinal loss to one of his nemeses-in-waiting, Novak Djokovic.

Federer hardly lost the plot altogether. He simply reached down slowly to pick up the crumpled frame and then flicked it in the direction of his courtside chair. But for an understated champion for whom appearances matter (greatly), it was as if he had begun yanking out his hair and shrieking “Why me!?” to the world.

It required great effort for Federer to cure himself of the on-court tantrums of his youth. To see him resume breaking rackets now, after all these years of self-control, was like watching the owner of a health food store start fumbling through his desk drawer for a long-lost pack of cigarettes.

But perhaps we exaggerate for effect, and perhaps we are all getting elegiac about Federer, the tennis genius, rather too soon.

With his 28th birthday looming in August, his days of Slam-in, tournament-out dominance are clearly over. His body is also beginning to betray him more regularly. But it would be both unwise and unfair to write him off just yet.

Yes, the game he once ruled with so few hints of rebellion from the serfs is now governed by Nadal, with Djokovic and, above all, Andy Murray quickly acquiring territory and treasure.

Yes, Federer’s level under the greatest pressure has dropped. He has lost five straight times to Nadal and four straight times to the counterpunching Murray. But he has beaten other quality players convincingly this year, including Fernando Verdasco and Andy Roddick. The range of Federer’s ball-striking ability and world view is such that some meaningful mid-career adjustments are possible.

His appetite for traveling and playing the game appears undiminished, which is due to his intelligent scheduling and also to the fact that his longtime companion Mirka Vavrinec was a globe-trotting tennis professional herself.

Pete Sampras, the modern champion whose career most closely parallels Federer’s, was already growing weary of the grind in his late 20s. But it is Sampras who should provide Federer with some inspiration at this vulnerable stage. After years of dominance on fast surfaces, Sampras also hit an extended rough patch, only to emerge with his 14th Grand Slam singles title.

Sampras did it at age 31 at the 2002 U.S. Open, well aware that big life changes were coming, with his wife Bridgette Wilson pregnant with their first child. Though slightly younger, Federer finds himself chasing No. 14 and a share of Sampras’s all-time record with Vavrinec also expecting their first.

“There are definitely some parallels,” said Paul Annacone, Sampras’s longtime coach, in an interview this week. “Just as it was for Pete, it’s a particularly interesting, challenging time in Roger’s career. But I would look at it with Roger in the same way as for Pete. For guys like that, it is daunting but not that daunting. They are so skilled they can adjust, but a lot of the adjustment is mental.”

Annacone thinks Roger grew accustomed to overwhelming opponents from the back court: to being the better athlete and hitting a more, consistent and heavier ball.

“We are all creatures of habits,” Annacone said. “Roger has won a lot a certain way, and when you’ve done that for four or five years and then in Year 6 or 7 that shot that used to be a winner isn’t a winner anymore, the tendency in human nature is to overplay a little bit. And that’s what’s happening. His couple of patterns that used to be very dominant are still successful against 95 percent of the guys — just not against that last five percent.”

Annacone understandably leans toward Federer’s hiring a full-time coach. “I always feel in an individual sports, it’s up to the guy on court, but as you watch the evolution of careers, it’s good to have someone you trust and who understands you and what you’re trying to do and also your game and the history of what’s gone on,” he said.

To say that Federer has been without a coach is not entirely accurate. He has had world-class voices in his ear, including Jose Higueras last year and Darren Cahill for nine days this year. Both men surely discussed tactical and technical solutions to the negative trends.

Applying those solutions is up to Federer. He has looked, if anything, too intent on getting results: hence the tears and the crumpled racket when the shots won’t obey the mind down the stretch. Perhaps there is more to the mental block: something personal, something private. Tennis is, after all, a mirror to its practitioners’ souls. But knowing what we know, it still seems premature to start summing up the Federer era.

“He may choose to keep doing what he’s been doing and not tweaking, and that’s his choice as a champion,” Annacone said. “But for me it would be a shame. If you have a lot of weapons in your arsenal and choose not to use them, what’s the point in having them? It’s a matter of managing them a bit differently than he did a few years ago.”

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link post  Posted: 10.04.09 10:20. Post subject: там Бодо тоже высказ..

там Бодо тоже высказался, но выкладывать не хочется. надоел.

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link post  Posted: 10.04.09 14:13. Post subject: irina как раз в гру..

как раз в грунтовом превью Бодо в кои-то веки и о теннисе поговорил, а не только в головах копался.

Хорошая статья, спасибо.

Музыки в игре так мало,
Она хнычет, она устала.
Она между веков застряла -
И никак...
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link post  Posted: 14.04.09 18:44. Post subject: Press conference T..

Press conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Could you talk about your decision to play this event and what was the thinking? ROGER FEDERER: Well, it was always an option for me, you know, since a long time. Finally it's a tournament where, one of the Masters, you don't get entered automatically, so it gives me an opportunity. I always wanted to keep it open in case I got married or something, and see how I felt and stuff. I felt like it was the right thing to do, so I'm happy to be here.

Q. How is getting married and playing here connected? Forgive me. Is it sort of a honeymoon option?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, yeah, I mean, of course I spoke to Mirka. She was completely relaxed about whatever decision I took, you know. I feel like I've been on a honeymoon, you know, for the last years, so I don't feel necessarily I need to go somewhere, to a special place, to celebrate with her. We've had a lot of nice moments over all those years. We don't feel like we need it necessarily.
And I wouldn't miss, you know, being with you guys (smiling). It's nice to be here with you guys.

Q. Is this a new start, after what you said when you left Miami, a new beginning?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, well, it's the clay season, you know, starts here. I've had good results the last few years here. It's always exciting to change up your game a little bit and have a different mindset on how the points are being played.
I was the second best clay courter for a long time now. Of course, I hope I can win the big one, you know, the French Open, down the road. That's what the focus is here.
But here it's more about getting into the groove, you know, and hopefully winning some matches and playing well.

Q. Were the results in the U.S. Indian Wells and Miami any factor in you deciding to play here?ROGER FEDERER: Well, I could have played, what, two more matches. So it's not a big, big change. So, no, not really.
I mean, I think the year has been better than last year. You know, I played the finals in Australia, the semis in both the Masters Series. I've been playing okay. I've been playing good, good results. But definitely not playing my best, you know, in the semis of both Masters Series.
Actually, leaves me with hoping that, you know, if my game comes together, you know, the clay court season, I'll have a good chance of going much further than just playing semis.

Q. Can you describe your moment in tennis and as a human being? How can you describe this moment? Is it unique as a human being and not fantastic like a tennis player?
ROGER FEDERER: What do you mean?

Q. Like a human being, because you got married.
ROGER FEDERER: About me getting married?

Q. Yes.
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, it's a very special moment. I thought it to be a bit more relaxed, you know, because we've been together for so, so long. Once you get married, there's not a whole lot that changes. But it definitely does change your mindset, your life.
It was nice sharing the moment with my family, my closest friends. I got very emotional, you know, yet again. So it was very nice. It was just nice to know that, you know, she loves me so much, I love her so much. It was just a very nice day. We had perfect sky, perfect weather. It was just very, very nice.

Q. And like tennis?
ROGER FEDERER: As a tennis player at the moment, I feel good, too. I've played better in the past. I know that. But I've played much worse, as well.
Like I said, I'm excited that the clay court season starts. I really like being close to home for a change for the next few months. Just makes traveling easier. I like the rallies on clay. I feel fresh.
You know, I always said that, since I took six weeks off after Australia, let my back heal, I felt like I was able to get away from everything, and now I'm ready to attack. Actually, my mind is fresh, which I think is really key, you know, for my game.

Q. Are you considering taking on any extra coaching for the clay court season or doing anything differently from last year?
ROGER FEDERER: No, not for the moment.

Q. You tried with Darren. Things didn't work out. What is the situation, in general, for coaching?ROGER FEDERER: Nothing new at that front. I haven't spoken to anyone. I'm not planning to speak to anyone really. It's just me and the clay (smiling).

Q. You said the wedding changes your mindset. What particularly has it changed about your mindset?
ROGER FEDERER: I didn't mean it about tennis. Just, you know, it's nice to be calling Mirka my wife and not my girlfriend. That's just a big change for me. Takes maybe a bit of getting used to. So it's good. I'm here, introducing her, This is my wife. It just sounds so much better (smiling). I didn't think it was going to make that big of a change for me, but it does feel great.

Q. Were there any tears on your wedding day emotionally, or just on the tennis?
ROGER FEDERER: A few tears here and there. It was nice (smiling).

Q. Yours or somebody else's?

Q. Did you already decide the name of your son?
ROGER FEDERER: Not yet. You know, we'll see. There's quite a few books around that are that thick, so we'll see where it takes us.
But, no, we haven't decided anything yet. Yeah, I have no clue yet right now myself. Thank God we got time left, right, to decide.

Q. When did you and Mirka decide to get married? When did you decide on the date?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, we've been talking about it for many years now. But last year was kind of busy. All of a sudden it was the Olympics, you know, so it made it difficult to kind of get it organized. So we figured, Let's wait and do it next year. And we always knew that if we do it, we do it pretty quickly, you know, because I didn't want to have a huge wedding.
So thank God the places where we got married were ready, you know, to take us onboard, because it was still Easter Saturday, many things were closed. But they made exceptions for us, which is very nice. And, you know, basically 95% of the people we invited could come, so they changed their schedules around for us.
So everything really worked out really well for us, otherwise we would have waited and done it maybe one month down the road or maybe one year down the road. But everything worked out for this last weekend.

Q. But it was just a few weeks ago that you decided on that day?
ROGER FEDERER: Pretty much, yeah. Things move quickly (smiling).

Q. How difficult was it to keep it secret?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really, you know. I have good friends who keep things quiet, you know. Sure, you try to tell everyone, Please respect the privacy, and everything. But if you want to get married in private, you have to go to Switzerland. They don't actually care over there. They actually want to give you peace and privacy. That's why I love being a Swiss and living in Switzerland.

Q. Did you invite any tennis players?
ROGER FEDERER: No. They were playing. No, I didn't invite anybody. It was really just very close friends and family. So it was just really tight the way I was always hoping to have it.

Q. Was it in a church or like a town hall?
ROGER FEDERER: It was in Basel. That's all I'm going to tell you, yes (smiling).

и еще небольшое добавление (с рфкома)

Roger did an interview for the french tv Canal + , they just show it now , he was wearing his blue cap , he was happy like insane , basically he said the same things like the french interview you read but he adds : " we know each other for 9 years , it was 9 years of happiness , we are still very much in love , i feel great , then he said that he did a very decent AO , not so good in America but still he was in semis now it's clay , he feels great and is happy to spend his " lune de miel in Monte-Carlo " ...

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link post  Posted: 14.04.09 23:12. Post subject: http://www.timesonl..

The Net Post: Paul Annacone would be perfect fit for Roger Federer

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 

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link post  Posted: 14.04.09 23:15. Post subject: happy to spend his &..

happy to spend his " lune de miel in Monte-Carlo "

собирается просто расслабиться и получить удовольствие?

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 
миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 14.04.09 23:29. Post subject: собирается просто ра..

собирается просто расслабиться и получить удовольствие?

Ага,вроде поехал поиграть,а на самом деле...

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link post  Posted: 15.04.09 11:43. Post subject: And I wouldn't m..

And I wouldn't miss, you know, being with you guys (smiling).


she loves me so much, I love her so much

Какие признания!

I've played better in the past. I know that.

А еще говорят, что он не отдает себе отчет в своей игре

you know, it's nice to be calling Mirka my wife and not my girlfriend.

А как комментаторам сейчас будет легче!

Q. Were there any tears on your wedding day emotionally, or just on the tennis?
ROGER FEDERER: A few tears here and there. It was nice (smiling).

Q. Yours or somebody else's?

Куда нам без слез-то, эмоциональный ты наш?

Q. Did you already decide the name of your son?
ROGER FEDERER: Not yet. You know, we'll see.

Так все же мальчик? Поймали его журнаоисты!

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link post  Posted: 15.04.09 12:17. Post subject: Интересные параллели..

Интересные параллели с Сампрасом и его сложным периодом в карьере в timesonline. Но Пит всегда опирался на серьёзную тренерскую поддержку, ему было легче.

Музыки в игре так мало,
Она хнычет, она устала.
Она между веков застряла -
И никак...
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link post  Posted: 15.04.09 16:30. Post subject: Roger Federer rides ..

Roger Federer rides wave of emotion to Monte Carlo
Perhaps Kleenex should think about sponsoring Roger Federer. An emotional sort, Federer famously lost control of his bottom lip after losing to Rafael Nadal in the final of this year's Australian Open, and yesterday the Swiss disclosed that he also shed a few tears on Easter Saturday when he married his long-term girlfriend, Mirka Vavrinec, in front of close friends and family in Basle.

By Mark Hodgkinson in Monte Carlo
Last Updated: 7:42PM BST 14 Apr 2009

"I got very emotional, yet again," said the Swiss, who is honeymooning with the new Mrs Federer in the principality.

Federer cries, Federer smashes rackets, and there is nothing wrong with the 27-year-old doing either of those things.

There are too many grey automatons in tennis for anyone to start criticising Federer for showing that he cares, for bringing some colour and humanity to the sport. There is no need for the stiff upper lip on the tennis tour.

"It was a very special moment," Federer said of the ceremony in his home town, and he will today make his first competitive appearance as a married man when he plays Andreas Seppi, of Italy, in the second round of the clay-court event at the Monte Carlo Country Club.

"I thought it was going to be a bit more relaxed because we've been together for so, so long. Once you get married, there's not a whole lot that changes. But it definitely does change your mindset, your life," Federer said.

"It was nice sharing the moment with my family and my closest friends. I got very emotional. It was just nice to know that she loves me so much, and that I love her so much. It was just a very nice day. We had perfect sky, perfect weather. It was just very, very nice."

Before Federer decided to take a wild card, he ran the idea past pregnant Mirka, who will give birth to their first child in the summer. "Of course, I spoke to Mirka," Federer said.

"She was completely relaxed about whatever decision I took. I feel like I've been on a honeymoon for the last few years, so I don't feel necessarily that I need to go somewhere to celebrate with her. We've had a lot of nice moments over all those years. We don't feel like we need it."

Federer, the runner-up to Rafael Nadal at last year's tournaments at Monte Carlo and Roland Garros, is hoping that he can win "the big one", the French Open in Paris, this year.

Becoming the French Open champion would complete Federer's set of grand slam titles, as he has previously won three Australian Opens, five golden cups at Wimbledon and five trophies at the US Open, and would also put him level with Pete Sampras on a record 14 majors.

In fact, right now, any title on any surface would be welcome for Federer, who has not won a tournament since the indoor event in Basle last October.

Federer's remark in Miami that "thank God, the hard-court season is over" was almost as alarming as the sight of the Swiss, who had been known for looking calm during his matches, smashing a racket during his semi-final defeat there to Novak Djokovic.

Maybe being on the clay, and on honeymoon, will provide Federer's first tennis success of the season. Federer is adjusting to married life. "It's nice to be calling Mirka 'my wife' and not 'my girlfriend'.

That's just a big change for me. So it's good. I'm here, introducing her, 'this is my wife'. It just sounds so much better. I didn't think it was going to make that big of a change for me, but it does feel great."


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link post  Posted: 15.04.09 22:10. Post subject: Wednesday, 15 April ..

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

/A. Seppi
6-4, 6-4

An interview with: ROGER FEDERER

Questions, please.

Q. Three match points. Was that a good kind of a workout; something you needed to get your confidence?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, not that. Just the match itself I thought was a good one to have as a first round. I knew there was going to be some long rallies with Seppi. He's very happy, you know, just rallying. He's very steady off both sides, you know. So on a good day he can be really dangerous. So I've already played him twice this year, which was kind of good going into this match, knowing what to expect.
I thought I played okay. I had a good stretch at the end of the first set, beginning of the second. Maybe could have made it easier for myself in the second. Had some opportunities. He hung in there and I didn't play my best. But still happy I came through so good.

Q. What is the most challenging thing for you about the adjustments to clay?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I guess things like getting used to the bad bounces. We've been playing on hard court now for nine months, is it, or eight? You know, you never see a bad bounce. So all of a sudden you're a little bit worried, sometimes hitting half volleys because you know they can bounce onto your frame and stuff like that. You've just got to look for confidence that you find by playing matches and practice a lot, you know. As we don't have much practice yet, you're maybe a bit tentative.
And I guess just the sliding, knowing when to slide, how much to slide. Sometimes you slide but you don't have to. Those kind of decision makings just happen naturally the more time you spend on the surface.

Q. When was your first contact with clay this year?
ROGER FEDERER: Maybe nine days ago.

Q. And do you know approximately how many hours you spent on clay this year before this match?
ROGER FEDERER: Sure. Maybe 10 or so.

Q. Is it something that you enjoy, playing on clay? Is there a challenge in it?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, it just feels natural to me because I played so much as a kid. I mean, I remember even wintertimes I used to play indoor clay, you know, under the balloon in Basel. So I played that until I was, you know, 14, basically I only played on clay. Then after that I went to the National Tennis Center, where indoors then was Supreme Court, hard court, which allowed me to improve my indoor skills and, you know, my fast court playing skills.
But the clay has always basically been my first surface, you know, I grew up on. So the sliding and all this comes to me within the first five minutes, then it's just the timing, you know, how much you have to slide. This stuff just comes with time.
But I like the challenge, you know, the way the rallies are sometimes played. Of course, in a match like today or in the beginning of the clay court season, I feel there's many errors from both ends, the rallies, the points finish in an error. That sometimes is disappointing, you know, because you play actually a good point and then in the end you miss by this much and it's not a winner, it's an error. On hard court and on grass courts, you've got to go and fetch the point a bit more, whereas here you can actually pretty much wait for an error from the opponent if you move him around enough.

Q. You mentioned bad bounces. Is that why you hold back the way you play your first few matches on clay?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really. You've got to be careful. I feel sometimes like you want to rally to find the rhythm, and then you realize, well, you're giving the other guy rhythm, too. So it's a fine line, you know, of how you want to play it.
Being offensive is good, too, you know, because you want to keep the points short sometimes and take away time from your opponent and rhythm. So it's always a close call how you want to play. You got to read the situation well.
I felt like I had a bit of both: I think I played well on the offensive at times and also just being steady. I had enough to work too much defensively today, so maybe the next match I'll get more of that.

Q. You played a few times versus Seppi. Did you find any change in his way of playing? Does he play always the same?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, like I said, he's pretty happy, you know, just rallying from the baseline, being aggressive. He can play more aggressive. But to me it seems like he decides not to.
I definitely think he didn't have a good serving day today. Because I've played him like in Australia and, I don't know, was it here last year? Yeah, two years ago. I thought he served better then which helped him a lot to stay in the set and be dangerous because he's a good return player.
I like his style. He stays very easy on his backhand and on his forehand. There's no big upper body movement, you know, and that allows him to pick up tough shots quite easily and make it look nice. So I like his style, yeah.

Q. Are you looking forward to playing Stan? Second time this year.
ROGER FEDERER: Well, yeah. I mean, the XO, whatever, doesn't count to me.
Of course, I like to play against him. I'm so happy he was able to take it to the next level last year, getting into the top 10, finally sort of making the break. Not really finally, because he's always been a work in progress. He was always a guy taking one step back, two steps forward. So it's nice to see him playing more consistently now on a regular basis.
It's our first match on clay against each other. I'm excited to see how it's going to turn out.

Q. Some players use sports psychologists seemingly more and more these days. Have you ever used one? What do you think of the idea of using one?
ROGER FEDERER: I had one back in '97/'98, I think, yeah, kind of during that time, for one and a half years. There it was more like anger management, you know (smiling). That was what it was about for me then.
I pretty quickly realized it was basically up to me and not someone else to tell me how to behave, because my parents were telling me anyway, friends as well. Other players were saying, What is wrong with you? That was just up to me to decide when I wanted to take that step and say, you know what, let's try the quiet version of the Roger Federer. So that was pretty funny.
But, no, other than that, I never really considered one, you know. Honestly, I don't know if many have used and that it's been beneficial.

Q. Do you think they offer something to people, something extra to the players?
ROGER FEDERER: I don't know. I think I feel like in different sports maybe I think they can be very beneficial. But I think tennis is quite a unique sport in the sense that we've got to take a decision so short term. I don't know. There's no time to waste. There's no real trick behind winning a tennis match. You cannot sleep all night and still play great; and you can prepare as good as you can, you know, and play the worst match of your life. So there's not a real preparation you can do really to make you play your best tennis.
Then decision making happens so quickly, and confidence is such a good factor that winning matches is what does it to you and losing matches does the opposite. So I think tennis is not the best example for that kind of stuff.

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link post  Posted: 16.04.09 20:27. Post subject: S. WAWRINKA/R. Feder..

S. WAWRINKA/R. Federer
6‑4, 7‑5

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Was it kind of just bad timing all day today, with the weather and everything? Did that have any effect on how it went today?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really. I mean, I thought the conditions were fine to play, you know. They were pretty heavy, obviously, you know, because there was no sunshine, and wet courts, so that made it kind of tough to get a lot of free points on the serve.
But I thought I had decent timing on my backhand. You know, I was playing it okay, trying to mix it up as well. But, you know, my forehand was hurting me in the beginning. I was making a few too many errors. That kind of gave him the advantage.
It was unfortunate. But I thought Stan played well. It was okay.

Q. Do you feel when you don't have the timing on the forehand, do you know pretty quickly it's going to be a tough day?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really. It's normal for me to miss forehands. I don't just push them in. I usually try to go for it and be aggressive on it, you know.
But it got better towards the end. But still I just struggled. I guess it was Stan's game. He did a good job today. He kept the ball in play. He was just better, so it was okay.

Q. Does it hurt more or less to lose to Stan?
ROGER FEDERER: Less for me anyway (smiling).

Q. Do you think you had enough preparation on clay? Is that part of the problem coming in?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, it's the problem for everyone. Are you going to ask this of everyone who loses this week? You're going to get the same answer. Nobody had a preparation. So it's a difficult one, you know. Slim excuse, because it's the same for everyone.

Q. Do you think playing two matches here in Monte‑Carlo will help for the next tournaments?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, this I don't know. I hope it will. I think what it helps is knowing what I need to work on, you know, next week. That's always been one of the reasons why I came here to Monaco without preparation. I've tried it differently, not playing Monaco I think maybe for two years, and using that as a serious buildup. Now I've always sort of decided to come here, see what happens. Actually I've done really well.
That's why I came again this year, because it just gives you information going into your practice sessions, you know, what you need to work on. Today definitely my serve wasn't working. I haven't served my best throughout the season, so I have to make sure I get my serve back in, you know, going well for me because I just don't hit the spots when I really want to.
Not that I expect, you know, 10 aces a set here on this type of heavy clay, but I just think it's something I need to work on,you know, make sure my timing gets right, my footwork gets right, and my forehand, that I use it the right way.
It just showed me again this week what I need to work on for next week. That's why I think it was good to come here. Look, I didn't expect myself to dominate everybody this week. I knew it was going to be difficult. Playing Stan in the second round I thought was always going to be difficult for me because this is his place here.
I got close, you know, but not good enough to beat him today.

Q. Is there any way you will try to play next week or will you just practice?
ROGER FEDERER: I'll play for a week, but on the practice courts.

Q. Does it make any difference to lose to another Swiss?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I'm out of the tournament, you know, so it doesn't matter who you lose against.
I'm happy for him that he's, you know, progressed so much over the last couple years. He's finally making a push, you know, getting close to top players and beating top players like myself. I think it's great for him. The beginning of the clay court season, he's already playing really well. That's stuff he couldn't really do three seasons going because he got injured or he had tough draws or he played one horrible match which took away this is confidence.
And this year and last year I think it's all sort of coming together for him. I'm happy for him. Like I told him, the loss doesn't hurt as much just because I know it's against a good guy, so...

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link post  Posted: 16.04.09 21:21. Post subject: §г §в§ж§Ь§а§Ю§С: Som..

с рфкома:

Some comments from RenЁ¦ Stauffer in the Swiss press which I translated:

Mr. Stauffer, why did Federer lost for the first time against his double partner?

Federer was the least solid player, he made to many errors on the forehand and wasn't constant on the backhand. The conditions - wind and rain - had an impact on the match, which confirmed that Wawrinka is more progressed in his preparations for clay as Federer. The weather made it more difficult for Federer to find his rhythm. He often was wrong placed for the ball, which lead to many unforced errors. Wawrinka earned the victory with an untainted performance: He played solid, right, brave and with the selfconfidence of a guy, who has been on a par in the last two tournaments against Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal, although he didn't played on his favourite surface clay in Indian Wells and Miami.

Which psychologically consequences does this loss, the fifth one this year compared to 18 victories, have for Federer and his clay court season - and which one for his opponents?

For Federer himself not that much, as he knows the reason which lead to the loss and therefore knows what he has to do to improve his game. He surely arrived in Monte Carlo without any high expectations and just wanted to get some practice on clay. The influence on the opponents is bigger: Many will see this result as a sign that Federer isn't unbeatable on clay.

What is Federer lacking compared with the other topplayers, to which he lost recently regurlary?

Mainly selfconfidence - and this can be deciding. How much it takes that he finds it back is difficult to say. It's comforting that there are a few weeks time until the French Open and that there will be two important tournaments in Rome and Madrid, where he can change things around.

Did the announcement of Mirka's pregnancy and the secret wedding detracted the preparations a lot more as Federer avowed?

That's difficult to judge from the outside, especially after a loss like this one. But it is obvious that he lost a few practicing days because of the wedding and this can have big impacts on clay.

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link post  Posted: 16.04.09 21:53. Post subject: видео с сегодняшней ..

видео с сегодняшней пресс-конференции выглядит вроде нормально...
click here

а это для поднятия настроения
новая реклама "Gilette"
click here

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link post  Posted: 17.04.09 08:17. Post subject: РЮРЮ пишет: а это д..

РЮРЮ пишет:

а это для поднятия настроения
новая реклама "Gilette"

Рождер на каблуках, действительно, настроение поднимает не по-детски!

When you say "no one's perfect", Roger Federer takes this as a personal insult. (c) :) Спасибо: 0 

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link post  Posted: 17.04.09 09:41. Post subject: Реклама прикол!!! Ро..

Реклама прикол!!! Роджер зажигает)))

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link post  Posted: 17.04.09 18:57. Post subject: Реклама просто супер..

Реклама просто супер!!!
Прикид у Роджа что надо

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 17.04.09 21:10. Post subject: РЮРЮ Прикольная рек..

Прикольная реклама ( наверняка опять аглицкая пресса раскритикует ) ,да еще под музыку трех братков Гиббов

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link post  Posted: 18.04.09 22:22. Post subject: Ааааа, молодец какой..

Ааааа, молодец какой, отличная реклама. А имидж просто бесподобный.

миссис хадсон
пусть себе критикуют, это их проблемы. Обожаю, когда рекламу делают с юмором и выдумкой, заколебал уже однотипный гламур.

Музыки в игре так мало,
Она хнычет, она устала.
Она между веков застряла -
И никак...
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link post  Posted: 19.04.09 14:32. Post subject: Тэк-с, кто там хотел..

Тэк-с, кто там хотел увидеть фотки со свадьбы?
будут нам не только фотки, но и целый эксклюзивный фоторепортаж

Exclusive! Everything about the wedding of the year!

The Schweizer Illustrierte will give you the world's first magazine exclusive photos of the wedding of Roger Federer and Mirka Vavrinec.

On the biggest day of his life, we see Roger Federer's private side, which the public has never seen before. Roger and Mirka celebrated their wedding on Easter Saturday in the closest family circle. Even longtime friends only learned about his marriage, in the evening, on Federer's website.

We show you 12 pages full of moments of love, tenderness and intimacy.

Exclusive photos in the Monday issue Schweizer Illustrierten.

в понедельник журнал будет продаваться в киосках Швейцарии, а к концу недели весь материал можно будет найти на сайте журнала
click here

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link post  Posted: 19.04.09 14:57. Post subject: ^^ mon mek а moi.. )..

^^ mon mek а moi.. )
не, до конца недели не доживу) бу сканы ждать

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link post  Posted: 19.04.09 15:05. Post subject: галка пишет: не, до..

галка пишет:

не, до конца недели не доживу) бу сканы ждать

да я сама такая же (про конец недели это я так, для справки, вдруг кому пригодится )
не, ну надо же, целый репортаж! я думала. нам в лучшем случае пара фоточек обломится а тут целых 12 страниц щастья

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 19.04.09 23:35. Post subject: Как Мирка Роджика за..

Как Мирка Роджика за шейку -то..
"Деуки, фсе мое!!!"

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 08:58. Post subject: Вау!!!! Одна обложка..

Вау!!!! Одна обложка чего стоит!!!

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 09:48. Post subject: миссис хадсон пишет:..

миссис хадсон пишет:

Как Мирка Роджика за шейку -то..
"Деуки, фсе мое!!!"

это точно

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 18:46. Post subject: Gloria слуушай, я щ..

слуушай, я щас на френчфоруме такую красивую статью о Федах нашла из свисского иллюстре.. о некоторых вещах и не знала.. вот как бы за перевод взяться?

L'Illustré; 18.03.2009

La bonne nouvelle
Roger Federer et Mirka
Un bébé pour Mr. et Mrs. Perfect

Texte: Laurent Favre

Il peut bien prendre une nouvelle raclée à Roland-Garros, échouer à reconquérir sa place de numéro un mondial ou à battre le record de Pete Sampras, l’année 2009 restera merveilleuse pour Roger Federer. Sa compagne Mirka attend un heureux événement pour l’été.

Nous l’avions quitté en pleurs, défait sur le court central de l’Open d’Australie. C’était fin janvier. Une dizaine de jours plus tard, c’est peut-être par des larmes encore qu’il a accueilli la nouvelle de la bouche même de Mirka, sa fiancée: il sera papa cet été. Père, Roger Federer. «Enfin!» se sont exclamés Robert et Lynette, ses parents. «Nous attendions cela depuis longtemps», a confié ce week-end Robert Federer au SonntagsBlick.

Mirka et Roger ont gardé pour eux ce doux secret durant cinq semaines, avant de l’annoncer officiellement jeudi 12 mars sur le site internet du champion. Quelques phrases lapidaires, mais qui trahissent une très grande émotion. «Mirka est enceinte… Tout se passe bien… Nous sommes incroyablement heureux.»

«Cette fois, c’est concret»

Il en a dit un peu plus dimanche, en marge du tournoi d’Indian Wells. «J’y pensais depuis deux ou trois ans, mais cette fois c’est concret, sérieux. C’est en route. Cela change bien évidemment mon état d’esprit, mais je crois que cela ne peut que me motiver davantage à jouer plus longtemps. J’ai toujours eu envie que mes enfants me voient sur un court.» Peu diserts sur leur vie privée, Roger et Mirka avaient souvent affirmé ne pas vouloir d’enfants dans l’immédiat. En 2004, Mirka en avait expliqué les raisons. «Il n’y a pas besoin d’être mariés pour avoir des enfants, mais je refuse d’en avoir si c’est pour ne pas m’en occuper, confiait-elle au Matin. La vie que nous menons ne nous permet pas ce genre de projet pour le moment.»

Le mariage, beaucoup l’ont cru imminent quand, le 19 novembre 2006 à Shanghai, Roger rendit un hommage appuyé à sa compagne après sa victoire aux Masters. «C’est à Mirka que je dois d’être ce que je suis.» «J’ai reçu instantanément plein de SMS d’amis qui me demandaient la date du mariage», racontait-elle par la suite en riant.

Pas de mariage, mais l’idée du bébé a peu à peu fait son chemin. En mai 2005, dans L’illustré, Roger ferme les yeux et répond à la traditionnelle question de la grande interview: à quoi rêvez-vous? «Je rêvais de gagner Wimbledon et de devenir numéro un mondial; ce rêve s’est réalisé. Alors, peut-être un jour fonder une famille…» L’an dernier, ce jour semble s’être rapproché. Dans les colonnes du SonntagsBlick, Roger avoue qu’il ne se voit pas aller à un tournoi sans Mirka, «sauf si nous avons un bébé». Il évoque également son envie de «voir ses enfants grandir en Suisse». Mirka, de son côté, veut «un père présent, qui ne voyage pas quarante semaines par année, mais qui joue au foot ou au hockey avec son fils».

Neuf mois, neuf ans

Ces neuf mois de grossesse viennent finalement couronner neuf ans d’amour. Leur histoire débute en septembre 2000, durant les Jeux olympiques de Sydney. Ils représentent tous deux la Suisse, mais c’est à peu près leur seul point commun. Lui n’est encore qu’un surdoué un peu caractériel, qui chante à tue-tête, balance sa raquette, n’hésite pas à se teindre les cheveux en blond et prend Marc Rosset comme modèle. Elle a trois ans de plus, de la maturité, de l’ambition et beaucoup d’élégance. Fille de réfugiés tchécoslovaques, Miroslava Vavrinec, que tout le monde appelle Mirka, a découvert le tennis à 9 ans avec une raquette offerte par Martina Navratilova. Roger Federer aime à penser que c’est grâce à la plus grande championne de l’histoire du tennis qu’il doit d’avoir rencontré l’amour…

A Sydney, elle figure alors dans le top 100 du tennis mondial (son meilleur classement sera 76e en 2001), mais surtout dans le top 10 des plus jolies filles du circuit. Beaucoup, y compris dans le camp suisse, ont tenté leur chance, en vain. Elle a connu Roger au tennisétudes de Bienne et n’est pas insensible à ses farces et à sa joie de vivre. Il est si différent… Roger n’est pas sûr de son charme. Timide, il ne se déclare qu’au dernier jour des JO. Le lendemain, elle s’envole pour le Japon, lui rentre en Europe, si bien que cinq semaines se passent entre le premier baiser et les suivants.

Depuis, ils ne se quittent plus. Leurs premières vacances en amoureux, en novembre 2001, sont mémorables. «J’étais tellement fatigué d’avoir voulu me qualifier pour les Masters que, la première semaine, je ne pouvais même pas bouger…» Quelques mois plus tard, Mirka tire un trait sur sa carrière, minée par de récurrentes blessures à une cheville, et reporte son ambition sur le destin de Roger.

Modelé par Mirka

Depuis, elle organise les déplacements, planifie l’agenda, gère les sollicitations médiatiques et le suit partout. Une tâche ingrate et difficile, ce dont il a pleinement conscience. «Quand je m’entraîne, elle attend; quand je joue, elle attend; quand je donne une interview, elle attend», nous expliquait-il en mai 2005 à Monte-Carlo, tandis que Mirka… attendait à quelques pas de là, une crêpe au chocolat dans la main, pour Roger… «Elle a été joueuse, donc elle veut vraiment que je réussisse le mieux possible. Elle me pousse et me conseille. Elle a un sens de l’analyse incroyable! Quand je lui demande si j’ai bien joué, j’ai toujours un peu d’appréhension. Si elle dit oui, si elle est contente de mon jeu, ça me rend heureux.»

Parfois, Mirka n’est pas contente de son jeu… Comme l’an dernier à Wimbledon, lors de la première interruption de la finale (perdue) contre Nadal. Martin Guntrip, secrétaire général de l’All England Club, a raconté la scène à L’Equipe magazine. «Mirka a retrouvé Roger devant la porte des vestiaires et, le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est qu’elle a semblé prendre les choses en main. Ça a bardé pour lui. Elle était en colère et des gestes démonstratifs accompagnaient ses paroles énervées.» Tête basse, Roger se fait remonter les bretelles comme un petit garçon. Il a beaucoup mieux joué ensuite.

Ah, l’influence de Mirka… Lorsque Roger entame sa relation avec elle, il ne possède, de son propre aveu, «que quelques T-shirts et deux paires de jeans». Aujourd’hui, elle a rempli son dressing de costumes Prada et fait couper ses cheveux longs. Aidée des meilleurs professionnels de l’image, elle a fait de Federer un nom synonyme d’élégance et de style. Mais Mirka sait aussi jouer le rôle de la copine sans chichi qui fait la popote à la maison tandis que son homme mate le foot à la télé avec ses potes Marco Chiudinelli et Yves Allegro.

Et lui, que lui apporte-t-il? «Il est très romantique et déborde de petites attentions», soulignait-elle à l’époque où elle se laissait encore aller aux confidences. Quand Nadal est capable d’aller manger cinq fois de suite dans la même pizzeria, Roger oblige Mirka à goûter chaque soir une cuisine nouvelle. «Lorsque je n’ai pas de tournoi, je lui consacre beaucoup de temps, parce qu’elle ne peut pas donner, donner, donner et ne jamais recevoir en retour», estime Roger. En vacances – généralement asiatiques et balnéaires ?, ils ne sont plus que deux amoureux comme tant d’autres. «Il parvient à se déconnecter du quotidien à une vitesse ahurissante», s’étonne Mirka, qui confesse: «Moi, j’ai plus de mal…» «Je n’emmène qu’un maillot de bain et quelques DVD», rigole Roger. Ils sont l’eau et le feu, le jour et la nuit, le chaud et le froid, le père et la mère. L. Fe

Côté court

En janvier 2002, ils défendent ensemble les couleurs de la Suisse à la Hopman Cup. Blessée, Mirka mettra un terme à sa carrière peu après.

Côté jardin

Ils aiment le soleil et les vacances, comme ici aux Bahamas en 2003. La seule fois où ils accepteront des journalistes dans leur intimité.

Côté scène

A Barcelone, en mai 2006, Roger reçoit le Laureus World Sports Award et n’oublie pas d’associer Mirka à sa réussite. «Je lui dois d’être ce que je suis.»

Futurs mariés?

En septembre 2008, ils assistent au mariage d’un ami proche, Reto Staubli, à Palma de Majorque. Une répétition? «Un mariage est trop compliqué à organiser pour le moment», disent-ils.

Futur père

En août dernier à New York, Roger prend dans ses bras la fille de son agent, Tony Godsick, et de Mary-Jo Fernandez. Il adore les enfants des autres.

Un couple soudé

Lors de la soirée de gala du tournoi de Wimbledon, en juillet 2005, Roger et Mirka donnent une nouvelle preuve de leur amour. Neuf ans que cela dure, un cas rare chez les people.

La cause des enfants

Roger et Mirka mettent leur notoriété au service de l’enfance défavorisée, à travers une fondation en Afrique du Sud ou avec L’UNICEF, comme ici en 2007 en Inde.

«Nous avons parlé mariage, mais ce sera pour plus tard» Roger Federer

«J’aime les enfants. Je suis à l’aise avec eux et j’ai toujours désiré fonder une famille» Roger Federer

«Le bébé est prévu pour cet été. Nous n’en dirons pas plus» Roger et Mirka

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 19:17. Post subject: галка , пасиб большо..

галка , пасиб большое за такую замечательную статью
так романтично...

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Post №: 58
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 19:21. Post subject: хоть бы кто рассказа..

хоть бы кто рассказал, о чем там.. а то замануху кинули и в кусты

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 19:27. Post subject: галка ой, я токо ув..

ой, я токо увидела
шас почитаю и попробую перевести

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 19:47. Post subject: хоть бы кто рассказ..

хоть бы кто рассказал, о чем там

присоединяюсь к просьбе!.. дефчонки, спасибо заранее! а то я как всегда через гугл, а обсасывать уже завтра на работе собралась)

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 20:28. Post subject: Ребенок мистера и ми..

Ребенок мистера и миссис "Совершенство"

Он терпит неудачу от того, что снова пытается завоевать свое место мирового лидера или от того, что хочет побить рекорд Пита Сампраса, но 2009 г останется чудесным для Роджера Федерера. Его подруга Мирка ожидает счастливое событие на лето.
Мы его оставили в слезах, разгромленного на центральном корте AusOpen. Это был конец января. Десяток дней позже, возможно тоже со слезами он услышал новость от самой Мирки, его невесты: "будешь папой этим летом. Отец, Роджер Федерер". « Наконец! » воскликнули Роберт и Линетт его родители. « Мы ожидали это уже давно », скажет в этот уикенд Роберт Федерере SonntagsBlick.
Мирка и Роджер хранили эту приятную тайну в течение пяти недель, прежде чем об этом сообщить официально в четверг 12 марта на интернет-сайте чемпиона. Несколько четких фраз, которые предают очень большое волнение. «Мирка беременная. Все действительно происходит. Мы невероятно счастливы. »

«В этот раз все точно»
Он так сказал немного в воскресенье, за пределами турнира Indian Wells. « Я об этом думал уже два или три года, но на этот раз это конкретно, серьезно. Это уже близко. Это изменяет совершенно очевидно мое состояние разума, но я полагаю, что это может меня мотивировать больше играть и дольше. Я всегда хотел, чтобы мои дети меня увидели на корте. » Роджер и Мирка часто утверждали что не хотели детей в ближайшем будущем. В 2004, Мирка так объясняла причины « Он не нуждается в том, чтобы сочетаться браком, чтобы иметь детей, но я пока отказываюсь от того, чтобы это иметь потом. Жизнь, которую мы ведем, нам не позволяет этот род проекта в настоящий момент. »
Брак, многие его сочли неизбежным, когда, 19 ноября 2006 в Шанхае, Роджер отдал поддержанную дань своей подруге после своей победы на Мастерсах. « Именно благодаря Мирке я тот, кто я сейчас» «Я получил мгновенно много SMS от друзей, которые у меня спрашивали дату свадьбы», впоследствии рассказывала она смеясь. Никакого брака, но идея ребенка шла своей дорогой понемногу. В мае 2005, в L’illustré, Роджер отвечает на традиционный вопрос большого интервью: о чем вы мечтаете? « Я мечтал выиграть Уимблдон и стать мировым лидером; эта мечта осуществилась. Тогда, возможно однажды завести семью » В прошлом году, этот день, кажется, приближается. В колоннах SonntagsBlick. Мирка, со своей стороны, хочет «настоящего отца, который не путешествует сорок недель в год, а который играет в футбол или в хоккей с его сыном ».

9 месяцев, 9 лет
Эти 9 месяцев беременности венчают в конечном счете девять лет любви. Их история дебютирует в сентябре 2000, с Олимпийских игр Сиднея. Они представляют Швейцарию, но это - почти их единственная общая точка. Он еще только сверходаренный ребенок немного характерный, который поет во все горло, качает его ракетку, не стесняется краситься в блондина. Между ними 3 года, кроме того, ее зрелость, амбиции и много элегантности. Дочь чехословацких беженцев, Мирослава Вавринец, которую весь мир называет Мирка, открыла для себя теннис в 9 лет ракеткой, подаренной Мартиной Навратиловой. Роджер Федерер любит думать, что благодаря наиболее великой чемпионке в истории тенниса, он встретил любовь …
В Сиднеи, она была 100-й ракеткой мирового тенниса (ее наилучшая позиция будет 76-я в 2001), но одной из в числе 10-и наиболее красивых. Много, в том числе в швейцарском лагере, испытали к ней симпатию, но напрасно. Она узнала Роджера в сначала теннисной сфере. Он отличался тем, что не был уверен в своей привлекательности. Робкий, он объявился только в последний день Олимпийских игр. Следующий день, она улетает в Японию, он возвращается в Европу, и пять недель произошли между первым поцелуем и следующими.
Потом, они не расстаются больше. Их первые каникулы в качестве влюбленных, в ноябре 2001, памятны. Несколькими месяцами позже, Мирка отказывается от своей карьеры, замученная травмами лодыжки, и переносит свою амбицию на судьбу Роджера.

Смоделированный Миркой
Потом, она все организовывает, планирует записную книжку, управляет посредническими просьбами и следует за ним везде. « Когда я занимаюсь, она ожидает; когда я играю, она ожидает; когда я даю интервью, она ожидает », объяснял он нам в мае 2005 в Монте-Карло, в то время как Мирка ожидала в нескольких шагах, для Роже «она была теннисисткой, следовательно она действительно хочет, чтобы я имел успех. Она меня толкает и меня рекомендует. Она может хорошо анализировать! Когда я у нее спрашиваю, хорошо ли я сыграл. Если она да говорит, если она довольна моим набором, это меня делает счастливым. »
Иногда, Мирка не довольна его игрой. Как прошлый год на Уимблдоне, в течение первого прерывания финала (проигранного) Надалю. Мартен Гюнтрип, генеральный секретарь ’All England Club, рассказал о сцене L’Equipe magazine. «Мирка обнаружила Роджера перед дверью в раздевалку. У нее был такой взгляд, по которому Роджер сразу понял, что играет не очень. Она была в гневе и наглядные жесты сопровождали ее раздраженные слова. » Опустив голову, Роджер заставляет снова взять себя в руки. Затем он намного лучше стал играть.
Ах, влияние Мирки. Когда Роджер начинал свои отношения с нею, он обладал, по его собственному признанию, « только несколькими футболками и двумя парами джинсов ». Сегодня, она заполнила его гардероб костюмами Prada и он подрезал свои длинные волосы. При помощи лучших специалистов изображения, она сделала из Federer имя, синонимичное элегантности и стилю. Но Мирка может сыграть также роль подруги, которая делает обед в доме, в то время как ее человек смотрит футбол в телевизоре со своими приятелями Marco Chiudinelli и Ивом Аллегро.
И он, что он ей дает взамен? « Он очень романтичен и очень внимательный», подчеркивала она. Когда Надаль способен идти есть пять раз подряд в той же пиццерии, Роджер обязывает Мирку пробовать каждый вечер новую кухню. « Когда у меня нет турнира, я ей посвящаю много времени, потому что она не может дать, давать и никогда не получать взамен », оценивает Роджер. На каникулах – обычно азиатских и купальных, они не являются больше чем двумя обычными влюбленными. « Он умеет отходить от профессиональных обязанностей с ошеломляющей скоростью », удивляется Мирка. Они - вода и огонь, день и ночь, тепло и холод, отец и мать.

В январе 2002, они вместе защищают цвета швейцарца в Hopman Cup. Травмированная Мирка закончит свою карьеру вскоре после.

Они любят солнце и каникулы, как на Багамских островах в 2003. Единственный раз, где они согласятся показать журналистам свою личную жизнь

В Барселоне, в мае 2006, Роджер получает Laureus World Sports Award и не забывает привлечь Мирку к своему успеху. « Я ей обязан тем, что я сейчас имею »

Будущие женихи?
В сентябре 2008, они присутствуют на браке друга близкого, Reto Staubli, в Пальма де Майорка. Повторение? « Брак чересчур усложнен чтобы организовывать в настоящий момент », говорят они.

Будущий отец
В прошлом августе в Нью-Йорке, Роджер обнимал дочь своего агента, Tony Godsick и Mary-Jo Fernandez. Он обожает детей других.

"Мы говорили о браке, но это будет позже » Роджер Федерер

"Я люблю детей. Я чувствую себя комфортно с ними и я всегда желал завести семью" Роджер Федерер

"Ребенок родится летом. Больше мы пока ничего не скажем" Роджер и Мирка

ЗЫ. Вот такое получилось .....
Мне статья очень понравилась .... спасибо галке !!!

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 20:52. Post subject: Gloria спасибо огро..

спасибо огромное за твои труды! так приятно почитать!

непонятно только, зачем в такую красивую статью Надаля приплели
и эта сцена в перерыве Уима! прямо слухи обрастают по мере прохождения в народе, жаль палку в Миркиных руках домыслить не успели

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Post №: 75
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 20:53. Post subject: Gloria какой перево..

какой перевод замечательный! merci bien!!
только добавить хотела про то, как "в мае 2005 в Монте-Карло .. Мирка ожидала в нескольких шагах".. и держала в руке блинчик с шоколадом - для своего сладкоежки.. вот запомнилось почему-то)

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 20:55. Post subject: галка фото штоли ви..

фото штоли видела?

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Post №: 76
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 20:58. Post subject: Марина нее.. с ориг..

нее.. с оригинала) я про этот блин первым делом запомнила

а все-таки мнения про Навратилову-тренера уж и не такой и бред.. по крайней мере, Миркин полный одобрямс..)

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 20:58. Post subject: Марина пишет: и эта..

Марина пишет:

и эта сцена в перерыве Уима! прямо слухи обрастают по мере прохождения в народе, жаль палку в Миркиных руках домыслить не успели

там в оригинале статьи упоминается что в руках была какая-то вещь, но я не очень поняла что за вещь ..... (может это какое-то самообладание в руках Роджера) ..... а может и ошиблась ...... вот и не стала писать .....

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:01. Post subject: галка пишет: какой ..

галка пишет:

какой перевод замечательный! merci bien!!

перевод так себе а вот статья оооочень красивая, мне так понравилась, что я до сих пор под впечатлением .....
а про блинчик с шоколадом там тоже есть, просто я пропустила

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Post №: 63
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:03. Post subject: Gloria Gloria пишет..

Gloria пишет:

там в оригинале статьи упоминается что в руках была какая-то вещь, но я не очень поняла что за вещь .....

да ладно, палка там была, палка, чего уж тут скрывать!

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:08. Post subject: Gloria , пасиб больш..

Gloria , пасиб большущее
а то я как начала реанимировать щас свой фрэнч, атк поняла, что для цивильного перевода я до утра буду возиться

галка пишет:

только добавить хотела про то, как "в мае 2005 в Монте-Карло .. Мирка ожидала в нескольких шагах".. и держала в руке блинчик с шоколадом - для своего сладкоежки.. вот запомнилось почему-то)

ага, маленький моментик, но так мило...

Марина пишет:

и эта сцена в перерыве Уима!

о да! я уже прям прдеставляю, как Мирка отчитывает Феда, а он сидит, опустив голову , типа, я больше так не буду

галка пишет:

а все-таки мнения про Навратилову-тренера уж и не такой и бред.. по крайней мере, Миркин полный одобрямс..)

лично я - ЗА

вообще, статья оставляет очень приятное впечатление еще раз пасиб

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Post №: 77
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:09. Post subject: Gloria пишет: там в..

Gloria пишет:

там в оригинале статьи упоминается что в руках была какая-то вещь, но я не очень поняла что за вещь ..... (может это какое-то самообладание в руках Роджера) ..... а может и ошиблась ...... вот и не стала писать .....

я так поняла, что она взяла инициативу в свои руки) после чего Роджер с опущенной головой, как маленький мальчик, пошел там чего-то наматывать..(не очень понятный оборот))

Gloria пишет:

перевод так себе а вот статья оооочень красивая, мне так понравилась, что я до сих пор под впечатлением .....
а про блинчик с шоколадом там тоже есть, просто я пропустила

не скромничай!))
а статья немаленькая, все детали сразу и не ухватишь..

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Post №: 78
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:13. Post subject: РЮРЮ пишет: а то я ..

РЮРЮ пишет:

а то я как начала реанимировать щас свой фрэнч, атк поняла, что для цивильного перевода я до утра буду возиться

инеговори!!)) надо почаще на френч форум наведываться

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:13. Post subject: РЮРЮ кстати, я подд..

кстати, я поддерживаю свой французский только благодаря Роджеру , часто бываю на каких-то французских сайтах, посвященных теннису, почитываю ...... конечно бывает, что что-то не понимаю ..... но в целом смысл статей вроде понятен

а всякие экономические тексты переводить ..... неинтересно

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Post №: 79
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:18. Post subject: Gloria дачегоужтам...

дачегоужтам.. и на испанский форум порой наведываешься, и на итальянский.. все ради инфы))

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:33. Post subject: галка пишет: инегов..

галка пишет:

инеговори!!)) надо почаще на френч форум наведываться


Gloria пишет:

кстати, я поддерживаю свой французский только благодаря Роджеру

молодец! как говорится, приятное с полезным у меня вот все руки не доходят, пока рфком почитаешь, уже иногда сил нет больше ни на что
слушьте, вот в этй статье говорится, что точно будет мальчик и что это радостное событие запланировано на август странно только..вроде Роджер с миркой насчет сроков ничего не говорили до этого...
click here

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Post №: 84
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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:40. Post subject: РЮРЮ ну не все нам,..

ну не все нам, фанам, первым узнавать) эксклюзив так эксклюзив)

что это радостное событие запланировано на август

прям как заказывали)

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:48. Post subject: галка пишет: ну не ..

галка пишет:

ну не все нам, фанам, первым узнавать) эксклюзив так эксклюзив)

не-не, я не против просто думала, что они так и дальше шифроваться будут

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link post  Posted: 20.04.09 21:53. Post subject: аааа http://jpe.ru/..

аааа ! говорила я вам, что к USO надо ждать прибавления!!!
а журнальчика швейцарского я не нашла...

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 
миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 08:57. Post subject: на GoTennis.ru вылож..

на GoTennis.ru выложиkи перевод статьи "Lo que le pasa a Federer es que se ha estancado"
с испанского журнала Publico click here
один заголовок его стоит «Роджер должен измениться или умереть»
Игуэрас о Роджере и его игре
click here

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 10:21. Post subject: Роджер должен измени..

Роджер должен измениться или умереть

После такого требуется расшифровка сказанного.
А переведенная статья - очень приятна.

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Post №: 183
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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 11:21. Post subject: миссис хадсон ya v ..

миссис хадсон
ya v ispanskom ni bum-bum. perevod zagolovka pravil'nyj? mozhet imelos' vvidu, izmenit'sya, ili on bol'she ne budet velikim?

мы ждем перемен Спасибо: 0 
миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 14:15. Post subject: irina используя Гуг..

используя Гугл и Яндекс ,получила ,образно выражаясь ,вот это -" Застой в игре привел Роджера к теперешнему состоянию"

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 14:31. Post subject: Не поймешь этих элит..

Не поймешь этих элитных тренеров. Один (Кэхилл) жалуется, что ему пришлось бы слишком много времени с Роджером проводить, другой (Игейрас), говорит что ему мало времени давали - 10-12 недель в год.

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 15:00. Post subject: ^^ как тут Роча не в..

^^ как тут Роча не вспомнить.. Мужик. Языком не трекал, в отличие от остальных.

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миссис хадсон

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 15:13. Post subject: Слонотоп Он только..

Он только сейчас обнародовал свое желание работать с Федом на постоянной основе,а тогда тренировал еще Джинепри(если не путаю)...
Вика,а меня статья в депрессняк потянула..тренера введь нет

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 15:39. Post subject: миссис хадсон Я про..

миссис хадсон
Я про верхний перевод от Глории.

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 15:41. Post subject: тренера надо, но эти..

тренера надо, но эти разговорчивые супер-Игуерасы и супер-Кахилы напрягают своими претензиями, что-то там непросто, почему все не сложилось ни у того, ни у другого.

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 15:52. Post subject: Ну так с Игуэросом в..

Ну так с Игуэросом вроде было неплохо, продолжил бы Роджик с ним тогда, что тренер нужно это 100%.

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миссис хадсон

Post №: 338
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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 16:18. Post subject: flamet Я про верх..


Я про верхний перевод от Глории.

а я поперлась еще раз перечитать испанскую, потому как решила,что торможу ,непонимая чего-то приятного
А Глория - умничка,я только собралась засесть за перевод, а тут уже готово!

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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 21:55. Post subject: миссис хадсон flame..

миссис хадсон
не за что!!! всегда рада помочь

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Post №: 344
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link post  Posted: 21.04.09 22:03. Post subject: О, вы здесь уже стат..

О, вы здесь уже статью про Игейроса обсудили, а я её в тему критики кинула. Не знаю, стоит ли раздражаться на разговорчивость бывших или несостоявшихся тренеров, вполне возможно, что они переживают за Роджера не меньше нашего.

Gloria, спасибо за перевод с французского.

Музыки в игре так мало,
Она хнычет, она устала.
Она между веков застряла -
И никак...
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link post  Posted: 22.04.09 01:15. Post subject: http://www.tennisvi..

The article in that magazine....

Roger Federer - Journey of a Mega Champion | by Teresa Thompson

What’s it like to be the best of the best? Look to tennis sensations Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe, Ivan Lendl, Pete Sampras and Roger Federer for the answer. Each of these distinguished players has racked up more weeks ranked No. 1 than any other players on the ATP Tour. This accomplishment suggests they are not merely champions – they are mega-champions. The five stars are profoundly different from one another in personality and playing style, yet their paths to success were similar: The mega-champions experienced significant tournament victories when they were young; they were consistent performers, winning one big match after another; and when the megachampions faced opponents that challenged their ranking distinction, they didn’t quit – after a slip, they fought to regain their ranking and succeeded.

Roger Federer has realized all characteristics of a mega-champion with the exception of one – he has yet to reclaim the No. 1 ranking. At 27 years of age, time is not a luxury for the Swiss. He’s on the tail end of his prime, facing the young and eager Rafael Nadal, Andy Murray, Gilles Simon and others. Despite fierce competition, a look at Federer’s past accomplishments may silence the skeptics and make them believe that Federer is more likely to rise again than fall in defeat.

Achieving big tournament success at a young age is the first sign a player is on the path to reaching a No. 1 ranking in the ATP. If a player hasn’t claimed a big win by the time he’s in his early 20s it’s unlikely he’ll reach No. 1 – ever. Federer won his first Grand Slam singles title, Wimbledon in 2003, when he was 21. He ranked No. 1 within the year.

Mega-champions perform their best when it counts the most. Federer has consistently delivered top performances, appearing in more consecutive Grand Slam singles finals (11) than any other player beginning with the 2005 Wimbledon and ending with the 2009 Australian Open.

A Grand Slam victory gives a player the most points towards his ranking. The records of Sampras and Federer best illustrate the correlation between major tournament wins and total weeks spent at No. 1: Sampras holds the record for both, winning 14 Grand Slam titles and holding the No. 1 ranking for 286 weeks; Federer has 13 Grand Slam titles and 237 weeks on top.

Since the inception of the ATP Ranking System in 1973, 24 players have claimed the No. 1 ranking and most held it for less than a year. Connors, McEnroe, Lendl, Sampras and Federer, however, have held the top spot three years or longer. Mega-champions have returned to the top over and over again.

Will Federer retire soon? Can he meet the challenge of Rafael Nadal and other young players? Can he reclaim the No. 1 ranking?

Federer has not expressed a desire to retire, so barring unforeseen injury or a mental break-down, he should be able to compete much longer. The average age of retirement for a mega-champion is 35. Sampras, at 31, was the youngest mega-champion to retire; Connors, at 44, was the oldest. The history of mega-champions suggests an early retirement by Federer is not likely.

“We’ll see a lot more of Roger. Great champions rise to that level by understanding how to manage and embrace adversity,” said Adam Naylor, sport psychology coach.

Every mega-champion has faced young, hungry, talented players rising through the ranks. It’s a predictable cycle that can create the best of rivalries and the highest quality of competition. Federer’s talent and resilience – both physically and psychologically – will undoubtedly be tested, yet the trends of past mega-champions indicate that he is favored to reclaim the top spot. On average, mega-champions ranked No. 1 on ten separate occasions throughout their careers.

“This is an opportunity to further refine his game and be able to play at perhaps the highest level the game has ever seen,” commented Naylor.

When will Federer reclaim No. 1? He lags considerably behind the course of fellow mega-champions: the majority had reclaimed No. 1 within one month of losing it. By April 2009 it will be seven months for Federer. And, his emotional five-set loss to Nadal at the 2009 Australian Open has added distance between the two top spots.

"Federer needs a new internal psychological strategy to increase his odds of winning. Roger's mental coach needs to help him find motivation and a mental gear which will load his game up with confidence, calmness and focus," said Jay Granat, Ph.D.

In addition, many experts agree that Federer requires intense physical conditioning and a greater arsenal of weapons to reclaim No. 1. In the event that he never takes back the coveted top spot, Federer will own a new record: the first mega-champion to not reclaim No. 1.

Give the Swiss a little more time.


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link post  Posted: 22.04.09 01:25. Post subject: All credit to Joda, ..

All credit to Joda, a swiss user, who scanned the magazine pages.

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link post  Posted: 22.04.09 01:53. Post subject: http://jpe.ru/gif/..

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link post  Posted: 22.04.09 05:53. Post subject: http://img.photobuck..

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link post  Posted: 22.04.09 05:54. Post subject: http://i491.photobuc..

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link post  Posted: 27.04.09 19:35. Post subject: Интервью c tennistv...

Интервью c tennistv.com:


Roger talk to me about Rome. Is it a place you regard
with fond memories?


Um..sure I like this place. I love coming to rome for
the city and the people. It is just a really nice
place, you know and I have had some good results over
the years as well, and I came close a couple of time I
think, I was twice in the finals here may be,and some
up and down results, may be, but it has always been a
tournament I really liked, and tried really hard from
the tournament side. The fans can be fantastic. They
can be really loud, and I like many things about
italy, and one of them is the fans. So, I love playing

Coming to the tournament, how are you feeling? Have
you found your clay court feet yet, you think? How is
the general sort of feeling for you?

Yeah, I mean it is been a tough last one and a half
years for me, you know fighting mono, fighting the
back problem, you know, and I feel like sings(things)
are turning around for me , you know. Ummmmm. just
that, I have less of those problems now, and I can
concentrate more on tennis now again.it is a good
thing, and I have been practicing really hard last
week, and I feel like I am in shape, you know. Yeah,
it is just important for me to get through those first
rounds, and then, and hopefully play my best in the
big matches, and that's what has been missing may be,
little bit in America but I can forget about this
quickly now, you know but.. it was unfortunate that I
couldn't win the Australian Open , you know I think
because I was playing really great tennis there. But ,
I hope I can carry over to this tournament here in
Rome, and then hopefully play best clay court tennis
of my life in Paris.We will see how it goes, but I am
excited. I am feeling well.

In terms of the confidence in your game, how is you
confidence at the moment, and how are you feeling ?


It was kinda hard to pinpoint to be quite honest, you
know even though I have had a pretty good start to the
season you know. I have won a decent amount of
matches, you know beaten the players I have to, and
unfortunately, I couldn't beat the best , you know for
some reason. at the moment, Rafa has obviously been
very very solid, you know. That was a that was the
loss for me at the Australian Open, and you know,
Murray and Djokovic got me in Indian Wells, and Miami.
So, I mean may be, took away my confidence just a
touch, you know, but I don't quite know where I am
because on clay it is completely different. Um, I
played Monaco just to see how it goes, and right after
the wedding, I wasn't prepared. I didn't expect myself
to win the tournament. If anything, I just hoped to
have a good week with Mirka, and also play some
matches. I got two in, and so I knew what to work on
and I worked a lot on my forehand and my serve and get
my strength back, and I hope I can show it this week.

Expectations wise, what for you would be a good
results for you at Rome?

Expectations, I think I mean the semifinals would be
good you know, just looking at the amount of matches I
played. So, I got again more matches under my belt,
and I know exactly what I have to do looking forward
to Madrid and then to Paris. The thing is the danger
is always if you lose early, then you don't quite know
where you are, and you start questioning yourself,
then you go back and start working on the wrong
things, start work on strengths and weaknesses, or
vice-versa. So, it is , sometimes is a tricky thing.
So, it is always good to win and I guess you don't
ask yourself too many questions , you know. That's why
I would like to get to the semifinals, and then go on
from there.

In terms of the half of your draw, you got Djokovic.
Umm, so, in terms of all things being told(called?) (considered may be?) that will be you know, sorta your first big matchup. What do you think about him?

Uhmmm..I mean sure, he is the defending champion.So, it is a tough draw. no doubt.but it is not really where my focus is right now, it is the early matches, you know. I gotta potential dangerous draw with Karlovic first round ( shrugs ) So, can't really look that much further, you know. So, had a close match with him last year, you know and then honestly, the top seeds are all now very good and very strong like Gilles Simon is in my section, and then I got other guys in my section .I may be forgot about Stepanek, may be Ferrer. I mean, there are really good players in my draw . So, I am looking match , round by round but I definitely like to go really far.

-----End of Interview--------------

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link post  Posted: 29.04.09 14:10. Post subject: В русском Хелло этой..

В русском Хелло этой недели тоже опубликован этот материал с фото. Только опять Роджа куда-то на задворки загнали, а на обложку поместили какую-то пургу Я не удержалась, купила на память.

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Post №: 266
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link post  Posted: 01.05.09 10:13. Post subject: Не о Роджере, а Родж..

Не о Роджере, а Роджер о Тайгере Вудсе
по поводу включения последнего в список 100 самых влиятельных людей мира, составляемый журналом Time. Роджер тоже побывал в этом списке.
(ссылку копировать целиком)

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link post  Posted: 01.05.09 11:17. Post subject: irina а раньше он т..

а раньше он там не был штоли?

MS-Rome > Roger Federer : "Tout près de mon meilleur tennis"
Par Krystel Roche, jeudi 30 avril 2009 à 20:38

Roger Federer, après sa victoire sur Radek Stepanek (6/4; 6/1) en huitièmes de finale : "L'an passé, son service fonctionnait très bien contre moi, je n'arrivais pas à le lire. Cette année, les choses sont très différentes. Je n'ai pas rencontré de problème à ce niveau-là. Je contrôlais la situation depuis la ligne de fond, et lui n'a pas eu les opportunités qu'il avait eues l'an dernier. J’ai trouvé mon rythme, même si Radek, c’est vrai, aime casser le rythme que son adversaire installe. Je pense avoir très bien joué quand il le fallait, et je suis vraiment satisfait de cette performance."

As-tu cherché Francesco Totti dans les tribunes ?
"Non. Je ne l’ai pas vu. Il m’a manqué (sourire). Il faudra que je regarde la vidéo du match pour vérifier qu’il était bien dans la tribune (rires). En tout cas, même si je ne l’ai pas aperçu, je suis heureux d’apprendre qu’il est venu et a assisté au match."

Beaucoup de choses se disent sur toi, ta carrière, ta forme du moment… Prêtes-tu attention à tout cela? Lis-tu la presse?

"Tout dépend du moment. Quand je gagne, oui. Quand je perds… Non ! Il est arrivé trop souvent que je lise des drôles de choses quand je perdais. Soit-disant les journalistes savaient pourquoi j’avais perdu, or tout ce qu'ils disaient était totalement faux! Donc je me suis détaché de tout ça. Beaucoup de mes amis sont là : « ça va aller Roger. Ne t’inquiète pas… ». A ce moment-là, j’ai envie de dire « Mais quel est le problème ?? Il n’y a pas de problème ! » Si même mes amis commencent à croire ce qui est écrit dans les journaux… Je sais que je dois faire avec, que la presse n’est pas toujours tendre avec moi. Ces cinq, six dernières années, j’ai tellement dominé qu’il était difficile d’écrire des choses négatives à mon sujet. D’un coup, les gens pensent qu’en ne faisant « que » demi-finale ou finale, les choses vont vraiment se compliquer pour toi… Ce n’est pas le cas. Il y a des raisons à tout. Aux victoires commes aux défaites. En tant que joueur, tu connais les règles du jeu. Tu sais comment ça se passe. Je suis confiant, je sais ce qui va et ce qui ne va pas. Il est important que je travaille dur afin de retrouver mon meilleur tennis. Je sais que j’en suis tout près."

Some interesting remarks from Roger in this last paragraph, versions of which we've heard before. I liked it so I tried a rough translation until someone else can do it better:

He is asked whether he pays attention to what is written/said about him, his form and his career.
He says he reads the press when he wins, but when he loses,... No!
He also says he reads some strange things after defeats, where so-called journalists [his words!] seem know all the reasons why he lost, or what they write is totally wrong!
So he stays away from all that. When his friends tell him that it [I guess the "slump"] will pass and not to worry, he wants to tell them "what's the problem? there is no problem!"
He says that even if his friends start to believe what is written in the press he knows how to deal with the fact that the press is not always kind to him. For the last 5-6 years he dominated so much that it was hard to write anything negative about him, whereas now all of a sudden people think that by "only" making the semis or finals things are complicated for him. He says that's not the case, and there is a reason for everything, both in victory and in defeat, and that as a player, he knows the rules of the game and how things happen. He says that he is confident, knows what works and what doesn't, and that it is important to work hard to find his best tennis. "I know I'm close" he says!

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link post  Posted: 01.05.09 11:19. Post subject: From the Rome's..

From the Rome's site :

30/04/2009 20:02
Despite avenging his 2008 defeat at the hands of Radek Stepanek with a comfortable 6-4, 6-1 win, No2 seed Roger Federer feels that he has yet to find his rhythm.

“I think maybe conditions were just a touch slower today than they were last year,” he said of his 2008 exit in two tie-breaks to the same opponent. “I think his serve worked really well against me last year, and I couldn't get a real proper read on it. This year was very different. I could read his first serve and his second serve was not a problem either. I didn't have a problem even to attack his second serve, whereas last year I was just trying to get the ball into play, and then obviously he was able to mix it up and make me doubt much more. This year I had the control from the baseline and he didn't have the opportunities like last year. I played well really when I had to, so I'm really happy with the performance today. Sure, when you walk on the court you still have the highlights from that (previous) match, but you try to give it another shot. It's a different match. I'm still always going to be the favorite against him. I just tried and get off to a good start and I did, which is perfect.”

“Today I definitely got some rhythm in, even though he's still a player who likes to take the rhythm away or tries to take the net away, maybe tries to keep the points short at times,” said Federer of the atypical, serve-and-volleying Stepanek. “It was still a good match for me. I had to counter his pace because he's trying to play hard and flat. I felt like I was hitting the ball well. Maybe from the movement side it's pretty slippery out there. I still have to find my footing just because I haven't had to do a lot of sort of defensive work yet.”

In the first set, Federer only managed to get 33% of his first serves over and was broken when serving for the set. “I tried to take some pace off my serve and use more spin plays,” he explained, “and because I was still leading and winning, I still had the opportunity to go after it. I didn't care how much how high my first serve percentage was, as long as I was winning. But it's definitely something I have to make sure I do better in the next match. Towards the end, I actually served well again, and also in practice actually before the match I was serving well. So it's just a matter of now make sure that it happens during the next match.”`

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